The why....

One of my friends commented on their Strava entries this week 'Hard to find the why some days....but why not?' To which I commented 'The process is the why brother. Daily practice, presence and repetition. Your doing it!' Needless to say, his quest continues.

This got me thinking....why as humans do we need a 'why' for every little, or large endeavour we undertake? I understand that a solid 'why' keeps us motivated, pushing toward a goal we may have set and can get us to the finish line of a race, but it can get increasingly cumbersome trying to find a reason, day after day to do an activity that we know benefits us greatly. Is that not enough? Is 'why not' not a satisfactory enough answer?

This world we live in and the lives we lead often times are so shallow, repetitive and mind numbing that if you stopped and asked the average person on the street why they are doing what they are doing that day they probably wouldn't have a good answer. Is it not therefore, far more rewarding and memorable to be doing something healthy, soul enriching, body restoring and mind clearing without a particular reason that particular day? I have found solace in answering a resounding 'yes' to that question. Daily process.

Now, to highlight my above point, of course it is benificial to have an overarching vision and 'why' to what we do day in and day out, but sometimes, when we are tied, the weather is rubbish, its dark out and we just dont feel like it, that big scary goal is not enough. So what is?

Throughout the last 11-12 years of running I have found comfort, peace, mindfulness, freedom and dare I say, spirituality in the daily ritual of putting one foot in front of the other. The process is the why. This certainly doesn't mean every day or moment is easy, but year upon year of experience reinforces that that day is worth it.

It seems far too infrequent that you meet someone who is willing to dedicate their life, or at least a good portion of time to something; to really delve into the depth and yet simplicity of their craft. Two of my heros epitomise this....Anton Krupicka and Alex Honnold. 100% dedication and quest to explore their boundaries...minute after minute, hour upon hour, week after week and year upon year to hone their mastery. Complete joy and presence in the practice. The why is in the why. That is where true reason is found.

I have become a monk to movement. The simple process of getting out of bed, taking off into the present and just running. Running. This is my why, this is my agency. This is who I have become and I am still in that knowing.

Friends, I challenge you, set a goal, chase a dream and have a vision, but get lost in the daily doing. You never know, you too may find yourself and your why in the process. Much love.


This is 38....
