This is 38....
This week saw my 38th Birthday. I celebrated by completing the first of my 'cross country' challenges, running my 50th half marathon consecutively. As an aside, to make this a true first challenge, I decided to continue my first challenge and run 100 half marathons in a row, just to really test the body. Hay, why not!? However, I digress.
38 may seem old to some younger folk and heck, when I was 20, 38 may well have been 80! But, I truly believe I am just entering the best part of my life. Business is cruising along super nicely, the family is growing up beautifully, we are about to move into a new home and I am set to run more kilometres this year than I EVER have before...somewhere between 6-6500km. There are certainly days that I wish the madness would stop and I could have two minutes to breathe, but I kind of like life that way. Keeping busy isnt a bad thing with a monkey mind like mine.
This week though has been particularly hard for me. For those who don't know, Tegan hurt her back in December last year and it progressively has gotten worse. To the point where just over a month ago she stopped all work, physical activity and is just resting, hoping that will bring some relief and if need be, take action with a back specialist. Its rough on her and the family in general. Its not until your partner of a reasonable time can't do anything that you really realise how much they did. On top of the shop, kids, training and the usual running around, I am picking up the extra work around home to help us all through this time. There have been a few days where I have been right on the edge of breaking point and been truly overwhelmed, however needed to keep it together for the family. Its been a struggle, but the normal for us for the time being. So, whilst a lot of the time I feel like 38 is strong, unbeakable, mature, ready to tackle anything and anyone, there are days I just want to run and sleep all day. The duality of life currently.
In saying all this, I am incredibly grateful that the shop has been busy enough and we are ok financially so we can afford for Tegan to take the time she needs to rest and heal. We have also had plenty of wonderful friends offering to help and provide meals, just to take some of the load off me having to do another 'thing' in the day.
We are blessed and will get through this as a family. This next year of my life is going to be awesome with hopeful business expansion, massive running challenges, a heap of new tattoos, my next 50day cross country prep challenge and being the best dad and husband I can be. 38 is the new 28 I reckon.
So, heres to the next year. I will do my best to keep the PMA, inch forward and be the foundation my family needs me to be at this time. One day at a time. Much love friends.