Wrap it up and move forward
4/1 - 2017...what a year it was! Racing and training wise, it has been my most challenging yet but I'm looking forward. As with any challenge or struggle, something can usually be learnt or gained from it. So what are the positives? I got plenty of rest and recovery, which in all honesty, I probably needed after going at it pretty hard for the last 9-10 years. I got a diagnosis of my hip issue and whilst Im not letting that stop me, I am consciously aware of it and seeing what my options might be going forward. I was able to focus on our business The Journey, giving it the attention it needed in its first year. I realised I enjoy bike riding...even though I got slogged by a car! (facepalm!) I gained perspective on how much I love the trail community and how important my little adventure weekends away are with my friends. It was also cemented how important daily endurance activity is for me mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Without this, life just feels flatline and I desperately missed it in 2017.However....it is now 2018! I have set myself some audacious goals for this year and I am now back in a solid routine of running (as of November 1st). My sights are firmly fixed on retribution at DownUnder135 in April and I have also put in the lottery for Leadville 100miler in America. Lets see how that goes! The last two days I did a 35k and 20k and man, it feels good to be back at it! I am a long way from where I want to be fitness wise, but I have started off on the right foot. In just over a week I am running Hares and Hounds (not necessarily racing but just running it to get back in the swing of it) and can't wait. Life is good, it feels like some normality has returned and the year has started out right. 2018 will be one of health I have never experienced before, a return to racing with a vengeance, love, family, business growth, adventure and all round good times. It will be rad!I hope and pray you all had a blessed and safe Christmas and New Year and plan to make 2018 your best yet. I know I am! Thanks for reading, being amazing and being a friend. Have a ripper week friends and I hope to catch y'all soon. Peace.