Taper week
9/1 - Well, taper week is here! It has been a long time since I have gone through the motions of preparing for a race but man it feels good! I am really looking forward to hitting Hares and Hounds, having a good time and getting another ultra under my belt. I am not completely where I want to be to be racing it hard out but in good enough shape to run strong and get it done. A solid stepping stone in the lead up to Down Under 135.Last week I hit triple digits in training (101km) which has not happened for a LONG time! I felt pretty good all week, ate and slept pretty well and got it done. It is super gratifying to be getting back to routine, turning the legs over and back to my 'normal'. Its pretty amazing how much you rely on something without even knowing it and then when it is gone how much you miss it. Running is back, like an old friend and Im in love!Going forward, things are looking pretty exciting too. After H+H, I will have a couple of days down time and then start hitting the training pretty hard for Down Under. We are doing a Connondale circuit weekend on the coast in the lead up and I have some pretty decent k's booked in so it is going to be fun to get that done! All that being said, focus if firmly fixed on the big dance in April - DU135...come at me!Lastly, I have had some recent interest in my coaching again which is great! If any of you know or are keen for some coaching, shoot me a message and we can talk shop. Much love friends! Keep working hard, running all the k's and loving life. Peace...Mat