Excitement grows...

27/7 - Man, I know most people would think I am crazy but I am getting super pumped for this years Glasshouse 100miler!  The reason it might sound crazy is that I am only up to running 4k but stick with me here!As most of you would know, I have had an injury which has put me out the longest time in my almost 10year running career.  It has been rough when all I have wanted to do is run, however it has helped me find a new love in the process, riding.  I am still pushing around my Trek commuter which is making my legs hella strong but still dream of one day getting my ideal bike, a Giant TCX SLR (sponsor anyone!?  Last years model would do!)  A guy can dream right!?The riding has helped me maintain some level of fitness but the thing that has got me really excited is that in the last two weeks I really feel like my injury has turned the corner.  For the last fortnight I have been sticking to running every second day and increasing by 500m each run.  My pain has been like 1 out of 10 when only a month ago it was like 7-8 out of 10.  Come next week going forward (six weeks out from the race), I plan to ramp up my riding even more and continue to run every second day but increase by a km each run and see how that goes.  I am in a really good and continuing to improve head space preparing for the race in a completely un-conventional way for me by riding and running.  I think, coming back from injury that this is actually a really productive way to train and get fit whilst giving my legs and the injury the time it needs to recover between runs.  Its gonna be super rad to see what happens over the next month and a half.Lastly, after last years race, I was hoping to shoot for top three this year.  Given the occurrences over the last three-four months, this isn't a realistic goal anymore, however I will be going into the race with no expectation but to have a super fun day out and just take what the trails give me.  The best way to run!Thanks to everyone for your support over the last couple months and helping me through this time.  You are all beautiful and have helped me slowly feel like myself again.  I hope and pray all these good vibes right back at y'all and hope to see you out amongst it super soon.  Much love.  Mat




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