Missed a week?
20/7 - Im not 100% sure, but I think I missed a week in my blog?! Not deliberately, I just totally forgot! Sorry folks, but Im back. It has been super nice getting a couple of emails from people who still actually read this. A couple of fellas hoping to run Glasshouse 100, sharing their positive energy and struggles they are also going through. It has been really heart warming getting these emails as it feels like I have been out of the race scene forever (not that long, just tough getting away with the shop and with injury but as soon as I am healed, that will all change!) So, thanks Gordo and Nathan for taking the time to shoot me a message.So, the last couple weeks. I am REALLY happy to say that the injury seems to be turning the corner. The last couple of short runs I have been on the pain has been maybe 2-3 out of 10. This is a VAST improvement from the previous couple of months where it has been 7-8 out of 10. I am still being cautious and only increasing my runs ever so gradually but I hope this is a turn for the better! Will keep you posted!As a pre-cautionary, I finally have a referral for a CT scan this afternoon. At the very least, this will hopefully put me in the clear, or at worst give me a diagnosis as to what the issue it is. At nearly four months since the injury, it will be a relief to have some sort of answer! I just pray its a positive one.Outside of running/training, all has been well. The shop is coasting along and life is good. I truly feel blessed to be in the position I am in and just can't wait to top it off with a return to racing. One step at a time.Much love friends, have a rad week and looking forward to reporting back with some good news next week!