Still tinkering tediouslly

6/7 - It is almost four months since Downunder 135 and unfortunately I am still unable to run pain free.  I am still doing my best to remain positive and upbeat but it isn't easy when I LOVE to run and I don't have that outlet.  Again, on the upside, I am riding and enjoying that so its something.Its strange, but recently, a chain of events/meeting someone from my past, has led me to ponder a few things about life.  One thing in particular is how important human movement, particularly running is to me and my wellbeing.  To most, I understand that this seems trivial but to me, it is super integral in my mental, physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing.  When this is essentially taken away, it makes it pretty rough trying to feel 'normal' in everyday life.I am trying to keep perspective as I know in the big scheme of things, this is such a small issue, but at the same time, it is important to me.  The daily grind of training, being outside under my own power, training for something, the discipline, the endorphins, everything about it I love and cherish.  There is something about the struggle of keeping on moving forward, even when things get really rough that seem to, in some strange way, reflect life.The un-knowingness of what I actually have is a little tough too.  I have been following my physio's instruction but there is still that lingering thought in the back of my mind that something more sinister is damaged.  Who knows!?  All I can do is keep persevering, doing what I can and doing everything in my power to repair the injury.  Positivity, clean eating and listening to my body is integral.I have dropped back a little in training this week and whilst I desperately want to do Glasshouse 100miler, it is going to be tough not having prepared the way I usually like to.  If I can get some running in, even a month out, I will still line up, with no expectation but to finish and see what happens!  You just never know your luck in an ultra.All in all, I am doing my best to stay up beat, look forward with positivity and enjoy where I am and what I am doing presently.  Thats all I can do.  Thanks to everyone who has been asking questions, supporting me with kind words and always sharing the love.  It means the world to me, thank you!  I hope to have some good news for you on the running front soon but in the mean time, we will trudge on, in love and happiness.  Bless friends, have a rad week!  Mat


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