Oh yep!
Hay y'all! Sorry for missing last weeks blog! I was wrapped up in Grand Final fever and completely forgot to write! Goldfish! Anyway, here I am, tapping away again!There hasn't been a whole heap happen in the last couple weeks. I got the flu off Corle and then it turned into a half baked sinus infection and then a super blocked/painful ear. I have been taking antibiotics and it is slowly clearing but man, it knocked me a bit! It frustrates me at times that I try and look after myself but get sick! Imagine if I didn't take care of myself!Anyway, all that aside, training has been ok and whilst I haven't had the build up I would like, it looks like I am gonna be lining up for Blackall 100 again. I was considering just doing the 50k but decided to go for the big one. I had originally planned on having a crack at sub 12hr but now just decided to take it easy, enjoy it, possibly run with some mates and make my way round the hundo k with no real ambition. It should be a good day on the Hinterland and Im looking forward to the challenge, fast or not! Good times.All else is good in the world of The Tattoo Runner. Not a lot else to report apart from fun family times, uni, work and love. Oh, and this weekend, I had a goal to take vegan gainz to next level.....and I achieved! 40 bananas consumed in two days! Yeah baby!I know this is a snapy blog this week friends but I hope it finds you all super well, rocking and loving life every moment. Much love.