Does the means justify the end?

Hay hay all!  Hope y'all doing awesome and had a rad week.  This weeks blog see's some reflective thought and I hope you can join with me in an attempt to expand our minds together.  If your not up for some thinking or challenge, return for next weeks blog!Recently at a family dinner, the topic come up of a certain corporate fast food franchise and their involvement in the community.  The comment was made that whilst everyone knows I don't like them, they do a lot of good for charity, aren't really that bad, give away money etc.  This got me thinking....does the means justify the end?Does the contribution to the mass murder of billions of land animals, pillage of cows milk/butter, being a grand contributor to our world wide obesity crisis all whilst turning a blind eye really rub out the fact that this corporation give money to school sports teams, charities, ex-war vets and other community groups?  It is an interesting thought process and one that I was involved in with myself for sometime on my morning run the following day.I believe I have come to the decision that no, the means does NOT justify the end.  Whilst I think it is great that companies support local and national community groups, the fact that innocent animals are being killed in the process for no reason, and that the funds come from selling a product making us fat and that I struggle to even call 'food', makes it very difficult to see past these points.  Should they keep all the profit for themselves, well no, but I still don't think the acquisition of such funds is either ethical or conscious.If it wasn't so serious, in a humorous twist of irony, a large number of charities that said corporation gives money to are trying to raise funds for and prevent - nearly 100% preventable and in many cases REVERSIBLE, DIET RELATED DISEASES!  THE FOOD THE VERY COMPANY SELLS IS CAUSING THE DISEASES THEY ARE GIVING MONEY TO TRYING PREVENT!!  Can anyone else see a conspiracy circle here or is it just me?!This to me is exactly what the bikies do and I was made well aware of when I was working in the Police.  364 days of the year they operate as out-laws dealing drugs, promoting and committing violent acts and basically doing as they choose, however one day a year they do a toy run for kids at christmas, drum up a ridiculous amount of media so the public can see that they are 'good guys' and 'not all that bad'.  In reality, the majority of real bikies are criminals but due to their one act of kindness, the public is blind to the acts they commit every other day of the year.  See a similarity here???So, in closing, I know this is a little more serious and direct than I usually write however these topics continue to upset me and there is not enough people speaking up about such points.  There is 100% NO NEED for ANY land or sea animal to be killed or exploited for our own pleasure.  Regardless of what companies are doing with the profit from the animals loss, I can not and will not support such malpractice.  I am not saying for one second that I have it all together or am perfect but it is the striving that is important!Please, do your own research, investigate, watch Conspiracy, make conscious decisions and vote with your dollar!  YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!  Every time you decide to buy a vegan meal at a cafe, by-pass the meat and dairy section in the supermarket and speak up for animal rights, the less demand there will be for the senseless acts committed to obtain such products.I pray and hope this has provoked some thought for y'all and until next week, aim to show compassion to all beings, love freely and vote with you dollar!


Oh yep!


A restful/productive week...