Blackall fun...
Well, since Glasshouse 100miler, things have been a little up and down as far as training, sickness and life in general goes. About a week and a half ago I decided to commit to doing the 100k at Blackall 100, but just take it easy and see how it goes. After much discussion and planning, the girls were all going to stay in Bundy for this race, so I would be flying solo. Or so I thought! Last weekend, my good mate Bruce put his hand up to crew for me, so that would be a new adventure for him and me! I head off after school on Friday (I am on prac at the moment) and arrived at briefing ready to rock. After hanging out with Jason and Anna Friday night, it was to bed for an early wake up and 100k adventure .We woke up, head up the range and had nice cool weather for the start. After some rott talk, we head off and got amongst it. I won't go into heaps of detail in this report but I will say it was one of the best constructed races I have done in a long time. I started out nice and easy with Jason and Jody and got through the first 40k incident free. Jason then left us and Jody and I then kept plugging along to just before the 60k mark. Jody was pretty tired from only getting 3 and a half hours sleep the night before so I departed him then and went on the hunt. I ran solid and really enjoyed myself through the next few aid stations. All in all the remaining 40k went fantastic and I ran strong and well passing a number of people through this last section. I was a little sad toward the end as I really didn't want the race to end as it had been such a fantastic day but all good things must come to an end. I finished in 12hr 40min, 9th overall and 7th male. What a hoot! All of my friends did a super job and it was a blessed day!For the rest of the weekend, I just chilled out with the crew, had good coffee and drove home. It was a great time but I missed the family and it is always good to come home.Considering I went into this race with no expectations, was a bit underdone and not as prepared as I would have liked to be it was a super success! I ran hard for the last 40k, made up some places and finished strong! Massive thanks to Bruce for crewing me, Anna and Jason for having me stay, Injinji Performance Products for looking after me with gear and Alun and Brett for putting on a super race. Another one in the bag and a great way to round out the year race wise.Hope you are all having a super week, loving what you are doing and blessing those around you! Keep being amazing and until next week...much love!