What the actual heck?!
What the actual heck? I absolutely, completely forgot to blog last week! I was in Brissy for a quick trip/somewhere different to run and it 100% slipped my mind until I was talking to a lady in the shop on Saturday about my blog and I realised! So, Im sorry to those of you that have grown to appreciate receiving my writings each week…..I assure you it was not deliberate, just a result of my fading mental capacity from all this running.
Speaking of which, running. Today was probably the hardest day of running that I have done in a very long time. My left quad is completely jacked up and I don't know why? Its incredibly painful. In saying that though, it probably has something to do with the fact that I am on day 36 of my 50 and have currently done 10x 50k days and 26x marathon days. Not too shabby. Up until the 38/39k mark of yesterdays run I was super happy with how things have been tracking. Overall, apart from the expected fatigue, I have been pretty good. So, today is about recovery, trying to get this thing right and moving forward.
It has been a busy time though. For those who don't know, on top of running 4-5hrs a day I am currently still working, setting up a new shop and the usual family and life stuff. It doesn’t stop for some reason!? They are all good things but obviously add to the stress of recovery and resting to run again tomorrow. I am doing a reasonable job at the ‘other’ stuff currently and I guess that's all that can be expected. I am fortunate that I have a great team on board to pick up my flack and make everything right in the world. Thanks again guys.
Looking forward…which I am trying not to do much at the moment with all I have going on, I have two weeks left of my 50days. We are also starting to move in equipment to the new shop, which is super exciting! We are aiming and on track to open two days after all this running madness, so super cool and rad times ahead. For now though, existing, day by day, step by step doing my best not to die and to stay healthy.
This challenge has been just that, a massive challenge. I have done my best not to put too much mental power behind it as it gets overwhelming but it is massive. I know that. Not many people worldwide have done a marathon or more for 50days straight. I’m one. I’m trying not to ponder that too much. For now, all that exists is this day. Then when tomorrow comes, that day. Be where your feet are.
I am so thankful to all of you for your support, love and appreciation in this journey. It means so much and I know I don't always say it but thank you. To my friends, strangers, family and staff, you are all beautiful and amazing. For now, I have to grab a quick nap before dad duties, so until next week, much love, have a rad time chasing your goals and Ill see you then! Consistency + Commitment.