These times...

These times…

What a ride this adventure has been.  In a lot of ways it feels like it has been rather monochrome.  Each day presenting similar challenges, having to be patient to tick the kilometres off and seeming to be void of a lot of emotion.  In contrast to that, it seems like it has been a wild ride.  Vulnerability, a variety of waves in what each day presents and the ups and downs of living life, business and setting up the new shop.  Polarising and often times conflicting thoughts and feelings.

Today is Day 43.  Last Tuesday, toward the end of my run, my left quad went to crap.  It was between a 4-8 out of 10 pain level for about the last week.  Today though, things seem to have improved a fair bit and whist I am trying not to get ahead of myself, I am pretty darn stoked at the fact.  We'll see what tomorrow brings however!  These are the rollercoaster days of what this is.

I actually can’t believe it is Day 43.  This time seems to have flown by but at the same time, dragged on and it seems to have lasted forever.  I have really tried to focus on being present, grateful and tried my best to enjoy each day for what it is.  This is a special time and something I need to relish.  Before long, it will be over and normal life will resume.  I have created a beautiful bubble where each day I get to run, yes, get to run 4-5hours and that is my purpose.  All other things, whist important, are not the focus.  Thats pretty rad.  I am stoked I get this opportunity.

At the same time, it will be nice to regain some brain function, sleep, rest and begin to feel myself again.  The tax that I have felt and been dealt through this adventure day in and day out is great.  How great, Im not sure and honestly, I don’t care.  We only live once and I am happy to suck the life out of it.  And as big as this madness is, it is only the warm up, the prelude for next years trek.  What an exciting and EXTREMELY TERRIFYING thought.  I can not wait.

So…as you can see, much like the rest of my life, this has been a 50day world of contradictions and opposing ideas/actions.  It is 100% an accurate reflection on the rest of my life.  I like it like that.  Keep people and even at times myself guessing.  What will be next?  What ‘out of the blue’ thing might eventuate or be attempted.  Who knows?  But, what I do know is that for now, and the next week, one day at a time, one kilometre at a time, one marathon at a time, my life is lovely.  Suffering in the lust of endurance.  Just the way I like it.

Till next week and the completion of 50days….Consistency + Commitment.


50 Days Done....


What the actual heck?!