Not that special.

Chasing greatness

This week I had a conversation with someone about what I am up to and they made the usual, super kind remarks about how amazing it was, that's crazy, your’e special etc.  Now, don't get me wrong, I’m human and it’s always nice to hear that kind of stuff whilst constantly trying to keep the ego in check.  However, I honestly believe that I am not anyone special as far as athletics or running goes.  Let me explain.

First of all, I don't want this to come across as some kind of self-deprecating desire for attention.  I can assure you, it is not.  But, like I said, I don't believe I am special by way of being a runner in pretty much everyway possible.  I completely accept that some athletes are gifted genetically and destined to be great at their craft (Usain Bolt, Meb, Eliud Kipchoge) for example.  These athletes, of course work incredibly hard but are designed by God to be special. It’s their calling.

Not too dissimilar to these gifted gazelles, I have found part of my life’s calling in running.  However, major discrepancies include - I am heavy for a runner (potentially due to all the excess growth hormone that was introduced to my body by way of the pituitary tumour that I had for about seven years), I started running with terrible gait, am not fast, probably don't have high VO2 Max (although I kinda think I would have a reasonable one) and more than likely have the two twitch fibre muscles all over the place!  I am NOT special when it comes to running.

HOWEVER…I have 100%, with every inch of my being dedicated myself to my art and worked my ass off for over a dozen years not to compensate for the ‘special’ gifting’s I lack.  I work harder than nearly any runner I know, I wake at ridiculous hours in the morning to get the training in I desire, through training I have been able to get my resting heart rate very low (usually 38-40bpm), I have changed and worked on my gait for about 8-9 years to make it as efficient as possible, I have read and read books and articles on running and I went vegan to improve my athletic performance (and stay vegan for the environment and animals).  I am a disciple of the sport, its vibe, lifestyle and all it entails.  I have left no stone un-turned to be GREAT whilst not necessarily being special.

Yes.  I am running a minimum of a marathon a day for 50days (I just completed day 22).  However, I truly believe that if any human, no matter whom you are, dedicated and disciplined your self as much as I have over the last decade plus, could do what I am doing.  If you do ANYTHING enough and practice it tirelessly over an extended period of time you WILL become great at it.  Running is additionally beautiful in that way too as generally, the more you give, the more you get in return.  Note – Obviously there is a point of negative return but you get what I’m saying.

The issue is, in the generation in which we live, most, except a few outcasts do not want to do what is required to become a master at something.  This impatient, everything on demand, instant everything, entitled generation will never find their true path in anything because anything worth while having requires one to work their ass off, sometimes completely to ones detriment to achieve it.  It is hard.  It is tiring.  And it takes an incredible amount of patience, ups and downs and ‘riding the wave’ of success and failure to achieve what you want.  It makes me sad to think of all the cool things that could be created, achieved, thought up and built but never will be because of the lack lustre that exists in current society.

So, do I think I am special, well, yes I am, but when it comes to running, no.  I am though, someone who will work harder, be more focused, not compromise on training and vision and relentlessly pour my heart and soul into my path and calling that is being a runner.  This can be you too.  You just have to start….never give up and dedicate yourself to something you think worthwhile of a lifetime of commitment.  

There is no secret.  We’re not all special.  Everyone does not get a prize.  But.  We can all be great.  

Commitment + Consistency



What the actual heck?!

