Ups and downs…continue
Monday the 10th of April, 2023
6k Yeah
Over the years I have spoken of my love/hate relationship with social media. It is a complete cesspit of negativity, yet, I have made great friends far and wide through it that I never would have before. It has also enabled me to share my journey and hopefully encourage the people that follow me to do and be better. For those reasons, it is a worthwhile endeavour…..its just a matter of filtering out the crap.
Last night I was sent a link to a unsanctioned race called The Speed Project, some of my Instagram buddies had taken part in this year (search The Speed Project 2023 on Youtube). The race is a relay (or solo) unorganised/organised event running from the Santa Monica Pier to Las Vegas. No set route, just get there as fast as possible….320miles. It is a fantastic watch compiled by mate mahalomartin. This prompted me to message one of the team members Mike Kratzer who I have also become friends with. Super rad individual. Conversation ensued. To watch a race video I would ABSOLUTELY love to do, potentially solo, and feel like I know a bunch of the humans is so so rad.
So, social media 100% won out in this case. Without it, I wouldn’t have been sent the video, I wouldn’t have been chatting with a number of the team members in the video and I also wouldn’t know a guy that was there documenting the entire endeavour. Pretty sweet.
This also commenced conversation with Tegs about how she doesn’t have connection with people around the world like I do through media channels. She reminded me that we met up with a guy I met through Vegan Athletic (previous owner) when we were in Bali. I got to hang out with Jackson Long in Boulder when we went there and I met through his podcast and the Gram. Further, when we go to Italy in July, we are going to a place called Innsbruck and meeting up with a guy Leo who invited us there to hang out and check out his town. How super rad and opportunities and people I wouldn’t have met if it weren’t through social media.
So, the love/hate relationship continues. A delicate dance between keeping it posi and it consuming all my time goes on.
Tuesday the 11th of April, 2023
8k with Gregory, 12min Stepper
Music is a funny thing. If you are anything like me, you find yourself getting stuck on certain bands and play them in rotation until something else super cool comes along. Every now and then however, a band or member of a band comes along and you start to obsess over that entity. I have had this a lot of different times over my life (think Daniel Johns, Kurt Cobain, Oli Sykes etc) however, currently, it is Will Ramos.
For those unaware, he is the frontman of a band called Lorna Shore. Now, this band is typically heavier than I would listen to (Im usually more a straight up hardcore or metal core guy) but what in the actual heck. This band, particularly their new album Pain Remains is literally like a pilgrimage. When one listens to it from start to finish it is takes you on a journey like no other record I have heard…at least in a long time. It. Is. Epic. Not an exaggeration.
Perhaps even greater than the actual album itself is Ramos. Being a lead vocalist in a band many years ago, observing what he does is from another world. I don’t care if people disagree with me, I am going to go out on a limb and say that Ramos is possibly the greatest heavy vocalist I have ever heard. His range, the wild random noises he makes and the ease in which he does it (search him on YouTube and watch him do songs in one take in the studio) is something else. I am beginning to obsess. These things, along with his look, style and uniqueness is everything I love. Keep doing your thing Ramos.
Thanks Codi Cooper for putting me onto the hype.
So yeah, I love music, particularly heavy music. Recent rotations have seen Polaris, Bring me the Horizon, Sunami, Lionheart, and Hand of Mercy (and always H2). With so much good music coming out so often its hard to keep up. I do my best but always find myself getting stuck on the stuff that stands out to me and my preferences. I carry on.
If you have any good recommendations, let me know. Would love to hear them and expand library.
Wednesday the 12th of April, 2023
11.5km w Skin n Bones boys
Man, running a business can be wild. Like, wild. Today saw a broken grinder, people not being served for half an hour, laughs, fun, a resignation and said broken part maybe fixed…TBD. Seriously. What a day. It truly is a labor of love. The ups and downs, the management of people, the constant nature of it all…like, CONSTANT! If business owners didn’t TRULY love it we would never do it. Trust me. We wouldn’t.
But, I do love it and most days are good. Most days are filled with busyness, happiness, joy and relationship. It's just a matter of riding out the hard days and trusting the good ones will continue to come. Today though was all consuming work. One of those days.
Otherwise, we strive on. My random thought for the day. Who do you think invented the pocket? How on earth did they come up with that idea and what a bloody awesome invention. I am grateful for the pocket. You're welcome.
Now, we re-set and get ready to roll again tomorrow. Boom.
Thursday the 13th of April, 2023
13km w Tegs and the girls, 14min Stepper
What a full day! Far out! The run this morning went pretty good….the achilles is mildly sore between like 3-6k and then somehow comes decent. Like the last five k this morning there was zero pain! Good times! Tegs pushed the pace a bit and it was super fun rolling with her.
Upon getting home I found out that someone couldn’t read their roster (again) and The Laneway wasn’t open. What in the actual heck. Eventually they got trading but man, it can’t be that hard!? This after a grinder broke yesterday at Bargara and one of my full timers resigned. Its all happening at The Journey headquaters. I worked the whole day then run the kids around, did the groceries and cooked dinner. Now, ded. Ready to sit down and relax and rest. I don’t have a lot to report today apart from being stoked the run this AM went well and hopefully its a good sign things are on the up and up. Here’s to a good rest and a little test on the Hummock in the morning.
Friday the 14th of April, 2023
15k Hummock
Am I being blindsided. Am I about to have the rug pulled out from under me? This week Jess (the manager at The Journey Bargara) resigned. I have also heard whispers that another might follow, one that I love and thought I was tight with. Am I about to be reamed? Do people honestly think I am stupid and that I don’t know what is going on in front of me? Sometimes running business is very lonely and makes one not trusting. I don’t like to feel like this and part of me wants to get all tough guy hardcore on them and reign down with terror. Another part of me carries the hippy gene and is soft, forgiving and understanding. Then my third character, one closer to reality, is stuck somewhere in the middle, not really sure what to do, say or make of it all. Regardless, sometimes running a business sucks and the thought of having something super simple (just me) is far more luring.
However, at this point, I signed up for this. There is many things going around in my head currently and I am trying to keep things as clear as possible and see things from all angles. 360deg brah. Not always easy.
Now though, is the weekend. No work, just kids, soccer, the family, relaxing and not stressing too much about the forthcoming month. Yeah right. Anyone who owns a business knows it is 24/7. Either way, there will be some relaxing and as much chilling about what is un-controllable as possible.
Today has been a busy day and I am looking forward to hitting a friends house tonight with the crew, having a laugh, chilling out and eating some pizza and sucking back some kombucha. Its been a big week (found a cupboard full of water today as well) and I am ready to chill out a bit. Here’s to it and I hope your Friday has been amazing.
Saturday the 15th of April, 2023
17k Dump loop
I love good conversation. I don’t want to agree with everyone I speak to, just have quality talk, agreeing to disagree and going away having learnt something from each other. This is one of the substances of my life.
This morning on my run, Tim, Josh and I had some quality conversation. Dark Emu, the foundations of Australia, history’s reliability, health, diet, the Bible, and everything in between. It was super good. Like, really good. Three blokes from very different backgrounds talking, running and sharing ideas, beliefs, experience and opinions. I love those guys man. These runs are memorable for me and I love learning and asking questions with no needed answers.
For much of my life I have had to have black and white answers to everything. About five years ago I begun to let go of this notion and now, Im very happy not having answers to a lot of questions I have in life. As mentioned above, the asking of questions and continued learning is what is truly important. I believe that when we stop asking question we begin to grow stagnate and die. Question everything, stand on what you believe and be ok not knowing some things (or a lot of things) and keep moving forward in positivity with an open mind. Life is a journey at the risk of a stereotypical clichè.
Today was a quality day. Run, back to soccer for Corle, coffee, naps, the beach, yard work and chilling out. A great day with the boys learning then with the family with plenty productive. The last night of no bedtimes before back to routine tomorrow and school Monday!
Sunday the 16th of April, 2023
19k w Tim and Josh
What a week it has been. Im not going to lie, it's been a battle at times. So many things going sideways, losing staff, uneasiness about my leg. Yes. My achilles has flared up again. Sucks. It has been acceptable much of the week but got a little sore yesterday and then today, it ain't great. It's going to be a ‘play it as it comes’ week ahead and I am just plain frustrated. I just want to put my head down, train hard and get ready proper for Laverado in June. Patience will be the aim of the game this week I think.
In the big scheme of things though, I need to keep perspective. Life ain't that bad, just important things to me have been a struggle this week. Here’s to a little relaxing the rest of the day and kicking off the new school term proper tomorrow.