Riding the wave

Monday the 17th of April, 2023

2k Ugh

Fraud. Poser. Imposter. Washed up. Out of the game. Broken. All words that have been running through my mind with yet another injury causing significant issues for me and jacking my leg up. I am pretty darn over it I have to be honest. No wins. Except Noosa Ultra Trail. It sucks.

I am well aware in the big scheme of things this is irrelevant. I am not completely blinded by this. However, to me it is important. Super important and upsetting to the point of depressing. Just because something seems small in the scope of world issues doesn't make it less vital to the individual. Desire being blocked by the body. Maybe there is a reason greater than me. I don’t know but it doesn't help currently. Suck it up princess. I am rambling.

The week has begun and the start of the school term is upon us again. We smash on and get back into routine. It going to be a good term, a short term before heading to Italy for Laverado. I just need to get the body sorted and rolling for the race…and try and keep the PMA. Lets go. Happy Monday friends. Tomorrow is a new day.

Tuesday the 18th of April, 2023

3k still Ugh

I am so grateful for the people in my world who believe in me and go out of their way to help me do and be better. I reached out today to a couple of my friends who constantly check in with me to see if I am doing OK. Kay Shepherd (Sports massage therapist/dry needling) and Lizl from Westermann from Rise Beyond Health…what wonderful ladies in their own rights. Kay got me in TODAY to do some massage and dry needling techniques on my achilles. Lizl slot me in on Friday for some shock wave therapy and no fuss was created. A quick message, no hassle and I was in. To say I am grateful is a massive understatement.

Sometimes things just seem too much when it comes to endurance sports and injuries. Then little things like this happen and the sun shines again. Hope is restored. These ladies (and a number of other professionals who have helped me over the years) are just shining examples of folk who just want to help. No questions asked and expect nothing in return. So so much love to you all and thank you. Truly thank you!

Its been a good day otherwise, one of the highlights was interviewing a potential new employee who was FANTASTIC! She is on trial tomorrow but all is looking very promising. Here’s hoping this might ease the tension of Jess leaving in three weeks time! Maybe things are looking up…

Wednesday the 19th of April, 2023

4k solo then on the bike with the Skin n Bones boys

The last couple days have been really nice (except the injured achilles). I have got a lot of little jobs done, some baking, cooked good meals, gardening, reading and hanging with the kids. It has been really good. Relaxing but productive.

I have just finished the book by the creators of Organic Dreadlocks. I am struggling to find words to describe just how magical this book is. The information, stories, photographs (ohhh the photographs) and of course the dreadlocks left me speechless. They have just conducted their first ever in person course which I may like to attend one day. This is the first place I got my dreadlocks installed and the location, humans involved, energy and nature surrounding the place is like nothing I have experienced before (in every good way possible). The kind of vibe I love to be around. The locks may even make an appearance one day again in the future.

Lastly, today was a breath of fresh air. We had a new girl on trial and she strikes me as a wonderful young woman. We have put her on and I can’t wait to work along side her and welcome her to the team. Apart from the leg still being a bit jacked, a good day!

Thursday the 20th of April, 2023

5k cruise and 18min Stepper

This morning in my devotion I read an amazing quote about faith, calling it ‘a long obedience in the same direction’. What a wonderful description of devotion and also incredibly applicable to endurance sports and life in general.

Over the last couple years I have been preaching the gospel of consistency. This word could very easily be substituted with obedience in the above mentioned quote. Throughout my life, results have only been observed through lengthy duration, not short term satisfaction. Marriage, ultramarathons, faith, tattoos, business, friendships, so many facets of my life only become rewarding and truly soul nourishing through perseverance, some suffering, time, consistency and 100% obedience…all pointed in the same direction. Misguided focus leads to misguided outcomes.

So, why bother? Well, I personally don’t desire the spoils of the short term. They are fleeting. I crave substance which takes sacrifice and dedication. I would argue that these are the things in life which truly matter and will remain and be spoken of long after I am gone….at least that is my hope.

I encourage you, carve out obedience and consistency with a rudder pointing in one direction. Don’t get distracted, commit, devote yourself and you will be rewarded with something truly beautiful forged in time. That my friends is true pleasure in life.

Friday the 21st of April, 2023

6k (1k with Corlè)

An exciting package arrived in the mail today! Three shiny new pairs of Rudy Project sunglasses!! I have been in correspondence with both the Australian and Italian offices over the last couple of months in relation to sponsorship and even the possibility of going to and getting a tour of the factory when we are in Italy. Well, today the relationship went to the next level with product arriving and one Mat Grills being very excited!

In the package I received a pair of their new Stardash glasses, a pair of clear lensed glasses for night/early morning runs and a pair of Spineshield Airs similar to the two pairs I currently have (and bought). Two white pairs and one blue. That now makes five pairs of super rad glasses in my collection!

It might sound silly but I have been dreaming of getting a sunglasses sponsorship for years. I have very sensitive eyes (so says the optometrist) and I can’t go outside without sunglasses on. My eyes water and I can’t concentrate to save my life. I have worn sunglasses as long as I can remember (before early teens) and found Rudy Project a number of years ago.

After being unhappy with the quality of another brand, I was on the hunt for some cutting edge, super rad, stylish, big ass glasses I could rock and be happy to wear all times of the day be it running or casually. I found Rudy Project, I think through some athletes I follow on Youtube, bought a couple of pairs and loved them! Through a number of Instagram posts and following comments, I wound up talking to the Italian rep and he put me in touch with the Australian office. A few months of correspondence later, here we are!

Over the coming days I will post some photos wearing the glasses on Instagram and I can’t wait to represent the brand and share the love. I am particularly interested in running in the clear lensed glasses in the dark/early mornings to keep them bugs away and help with the glare in the AM. I reckon it might become one of my new trademarks (as if I need another!?) and elevate the ol image to an even cooler level!

Massive thanks to Rudy Project and if you want to check them out, head to www.rudyproject.com.au to see more. Much love and happy Friday!

Saturday the 22nd of April, 2023

7k windy and 20min stepper

Mmmm, what a day! So much stuff on! Train, visit the shops, Laneway Markets, home for an hour, soccer, a seven year old birthday party, drop Corlè to another birthday party, come home and get dinner sorted. What the heck?!

Some highlights. Nearly had our first scrap at soccer. That was hilarious. Achilles is not happy and not so sure how tomorrow morning is going to go. There could be a break in training if bad. Some nice chills. Markets were super busy and had DELICIOUS maple infused kombucha. Otherwise, just trying to keep my head up and not get too bummed out because of my achilles.

The rest of the day was super and nice to spend it with the family. Now. Chill. Bless

Sunday the 23rd of April, 2023

5k That’s that.

Day was thrown into disarray. Staff sick and I had to fill in a 10.5hr shift…then do lawns and cook dinner. Luckily my dear wife did the groceries for me (a job I normally do and she hates) so that saved me something extra to sort. Thanks Tegs.

My run this morning though confirmed I need to stop. Well maybe don’t NEED to but I don’t think the little runs each day are really helping the inflammation in my leg so I have decided a full week rest to let the swelling subside and hopefully be good to go come Monday the 1st of May. So, stop I will for a week. Full rest, focus on cleaning up the diet and trying to get this achilles right. I need to start training AT LEAST at the start of May to get something decent in for Laverado. I feel like I have lost fitness since Noosa Ultra Trail having not been able to do much since. It sucks. Im pretty bummed but trying to not let the constant hits over the last nine months get me down. A rest week and we go again.

It has been another big week and I am looking forward to the one ahead. Thanks for following along, its been cool doing these daily blogs and I hope you have enjoyed. At least I am SURE you will enjoy the thumbnail photo for this week…possibly the best photo of old mate ever!


A week…


Ups and downs…continue