Nature is a special place. It doesn’t matter who we are, our background, ethnicity, sex, political or religious beliefs…..when we venture into a wood, rainforest or bush, all inhibitions are stripped away, we instantly feel small, at peace, and simple to the root of what we are and what we’re from…dust. I feel at home and instantly calmed in Gods creation.
Like the ocean though, nature can also be eerie, a place of vulnerability, uneasiness and fear if it gets angry. A healthy respect should remain in place for the wonder of what nature truly is….life.
Like so many things in this world though, humans think we have the right and privilege to strip bare, rape, decimate and use nature for OUR purpose. We are superior beings right, so we can do with trees, shrubs, bushes and the animals that live in them what we desire. No. Just no. We throw up houses, farm (often to grow crops to feed to livestock for rich westerners to eat), clear land for livestock/factory farming, build shops or just to make driving more ‘safe’ we knock down trees. Often times we rip out life just because we don’t like the look of what has grown in a certain location. We are killing our world by removing nature.
The crazy thing is though, if humans disappeared tomorrow, nature would take over EXTREMELY quickly, enveloping city’s, cars, houses and estates in a way it was meant to be. We are the scourge, the blockades to nature thriving.
Sometimes, I like to believe a lot of times, there are people, organisations and humans who want to do well. To give back, to honour and preserve this one world we have and live in. These beings plant, protect and do good for the world even if it costs them money, time and resources, they see a bigger picture to create spaces and nature for our future generations to enjoy. There needs to be more of these people.
Last weekend, my family and I attended a tree planting. Bill and Jackie Moorhead have been developing land in Bundaberg and surrounds for many years now however also have a passion for re-wilding and preserving as much nature as they can. On Saturday, we met with number of other volunteers at Charlottes Wood (named after their daughter who passed away a number of years ago), Bargara Headlands and planted between 1000-1500 trees. It was a great morning and Bill has vision to plant over 100,000 trees in this area. Incredible. All at his expense and the ‘loss of that land’ to nature (and potentially a LOT of money), not development. Incredible.
Don’t get me wrong; we all want things to look nice, we need places to live, roads to drive on and shopping centres to buy stuff. However, I do believe there is a way for progress to work simultaneously with creation and for the balance to remain in natures favour always. Otherwise, at the risk of sounding dramatic, we actually are doomed.
Trees are earths lungs. They are beautiful, majestic, unique and essential to human survival. Plant one, two or a hundred. Get your hands dirty, feel good digging a hole, removing the plant from the pot and putting it in the ground….you just did something that may last forever. Nature is life and life essential. To all you tree planters and nature preservers out there, thank you and keep up your tireless work. We need more of you. Much love friends. Consistency + commitment.
P.S - There will be another tree planting at Charlotte’s Wood in a few months time. Keep an eye on my Facebook or the Bargara Headlands Facebook page for details.
P.P.S - If your are looking for some affordable native trees, go to Landcare in Norville. Most of their trees are only $3 and amazing! If you can’t get there though, support your local nursery and get amongst it!