The people we meet…
Life is so cool for so many different reasons. The things we get to experience, challenges we overcome, and the people we meet. Today I met Wally. He bailed me up during my long run and told me a variety of stories, none of which made a lot of sense but left me running away smiling and laughing at the encounter! He was running around the universe, had the highest IQ in same, wondered why his name didn’t start with the second last letter of the alphabet, Y when it made the same sound as the start of his name and sang me a song about the rising sun whilst with him and as I was running off. He had some gnarly scars and wore an ankle brace and strapping/half casts on each wrist….Wally had had a time. Classic. Its chance meetings like this that enrich our days and remind us that we are all our own forms of characters in one way or another.
Its all too easy to ignore guys like Wally, not give them time or pass them off as a little crazy. Today though, I had nowhere to be (apart from another couple hours of running) so I stayed, let him share for a while and exchange a piece of who he was. Fractions of a life that I am sure has been entirely different to my human experience but one of no less importance.
Due to my previous occupation (policing), I used to pass, avoid and generally not give the space for these types of people in my day. I sadly saw them as an inconvenience, tainted by the necessity of an occupation that causes one to be extremely skeptical and weary of such a character. I think of the conversations I may have missed, laughs neglected and tales never told. One of the reasons I left the job. Prejudgement from someone who has no right to judge; myself. As someone who has been the subject of so much judgement in my past, how dare I!?
Now, I am all too aware that we need to be guarded at times and keep our distance from those mentally imbalanced, drug affected, alcohol fuelled or just plain ignorant. However, I feel, and often reminded my mum, my discernment of people and situations has always been sound. Very quickly, I made an assessment and deemed Wally harmless, all be it on a different plane to myself. That in no way makes me superior to him and it made sense to give him time, our most precious commodity. One I am trying to get better at allocating to the most important things to me and greater humanity. I truly believe time is one of the most precious gifts we can give others.
As I sit here in my comfortable house, under a blanket wearing a beanie and jumper, warm, I wonder where Wally is and what he is doing? The downcast of our societal layering system too often get cast aside as an inconvenience and not knowing what to do with. It is sad and I am a part of it and don’t do enough to change it. I guess we can’t be everything for everyone in every situation. Tough realization. Much pondering must be done on such an economy.
All that being said, I encourage you to find your Wally. It might be the elderly lady next door, that annoying customer that comes into your shop on the daily, an only child that you know that doesn’t have someone to bowl him a few overs so he can practice his cricket batting or even your own spouse you have been neglecting lately. Find your Wally. Give them some time, even five minutes, it may completely change their trajectory and at the very least, leave you feeling good that you did something for someone else today.
Much love friends, Consistency + Commitment.