Recovery and Tattoos

Monday the 27th of March, 2023

2k Below average

Oh man, the legs were cooked this morning! Very very average and the sleep wasn’t much better…well, slightly better than Saturday night but barely! Today was a big day working the full shift in at the Laneway then two and a half hours of kid run around and grocery shopping (which is getting ridiculously expensive these days), capping it all off with cooking dinner. Now Im cooked. Ready for rest that is for sure. The body is tired and the fatigue comes in waves. I have come to expect this these days so no real surprises. The hunger has started to hit too so I need to feed the machine but not completely stuff it. All in all, a good yet draining day. Time to stop and chill before charging again tomorrow.

Tuesday the 28th of March, 2023

2k a little more human

Happy Birthday to my sister Melinda! Have a super day sis! Today I felt a little more human….just! There were waves of tiredness and fatigue but I am beginning to come around, just. Another short run after a better sleep last night then work all day in town. The shops have been quiet the last couple days for some reason…last week of school maybe? Who knows? Holidays will be here soon though! Otherwise, a pretty chill afternoon, relaxing, reading and taking it easy. Needed.

I have been listening to a podcast on Rich Roll with Peter Attia. It has been very enlightening in relation to men and underlying anger/frustration through life. I really could relate to a lot of what he said and may even listen to it again it has been so good. This has been something I have noticed in myself over the last few years and a lot of the time wondered why I was angry for no real reason. Maybe it stems from frustration. Not being heard, listened to, followed or abided in? There certainly needs to be some more internal investigation into this and the root cause. The pod has pulled back the curtain just a little though. It has been one of the best pods I have listened to in some time. Very good!

I also got a VERY hearty package from Willpower Running today too! So so much good stock! Stoked to get the package from the crew! I look forward to another good sleep tonight before a fun day ahead tomorrow. Until then…

Wednesday the 29th of March

3k easy, Ride down to SnB, roll with the boys and roll home

Im not gonna lie, that run this morning might have been a k too far. I woke up THREE times last night which sucked! So, after poor rest and adding a k this morning, I was tired by the end. I got to spin it out on the bike and hang with the boys at Skin n Bones though so that helped. Gotta keep being gentle.

The highlight of the day though was when I was at work. A group of four came in and were chilling. They then started talking to me and let me know they were a touring bluegrass band and could they set up and play some music. I was a little hesitant because a) were they any good and b) how loud would they be?! Anyway, I took a leap of faith and before long they were set up and smashing out some REALLY good music. A guitarist, banjo player and singer and they were fantastic! Like, really good! For 45min to an hour they played and we enjoyed. It was an incredible experience and one I will remember for a long time! Thank you Shining Hour for blessing us with your heavenly sounds. How rad.

This arvo I decided to do my hedges and again, bad idea. I was banged up and super tired by the end but also happy I got it done. Now time to chill and take it easy…not before packing for my snappy trip away tomorrow. A good but busy day again! So much happiness!

Thursday the 30th, Friday the 31st of March and Saturday the 1st of April, 2023

3k, 3k and 5k easy.

Sorry for my absence y’all! I took off for a short trip early Thursday morning and didn’t take the laptop. I then got back Friday arvo and went straight to The Laneway to work the Easter markets and didn’t get home till late. So, here we are on Saturday morning!

I did a solo shot gun trip to the Sunny Coast to get tattooed. I have now pretty much finished my arms, throat, neck and front! I am very very happy! I got slayed all day and had time to also add a couple of gap fillers on my left leg. I am getting closer. Keep saving, keep chipping away but I am close to having my body suit done! Very very exciting.

Now, I know it is hard for a lot of people to understand but when I commit to things I COMMIT to things proper! Running, the gym back in the day, the band I was in, getting married, going into business etc. Maybe about five to six years ago, somewhere along the line I made the decision to get my suit done. For anyone that has gotten a tattoo knows that this is a commitment of time, money, pain and planning. It will be a part of my legacy. Tattoos from many different artists, joining together to create a tapestry of art that will last till after I die. I don’t spend money on anything else (apart from races) so this has become my investment. I am in. All in. Over the next year or so I will keep chipping away but Im hoping that maybe by the end of next year, the suit will be pretty much done. Charge on!

This weekend will be chill. A few random jobs to get done, yard work, chilling and taking it easy. I look forward to the down time before the holiday shifts really kick on in the lead up to Easter.

Sunday the 2nd of April, 2023

8k easy with the lads (Dad, Josh and Dan)

Rainy Sunday. To be honest, it is super nice as it has forced me to relax and chill. A really nice day to take it easy, do some computer work (including an interview for a new online Zine which is cool!) and get some jobs sorted. I need to, cause a storm is coming.

Tomorrow is 12weeks until Laverado 120k in Italy. The plan is basic. 200+k a week for 10weeks with the focus on hills (particularly down hill hard running), volume and staying healthy. I am very excited for the challenge, to get back to some solid training and to love the adventure! Its gonna be hectic but I am very keen to start piling on some distance for the first half of my year! For those following along at home, I am behind on my yearly 10,000km challenge so we start clawing some kilometres back.

Aside from the running kicking up a gear, tomorrow marks the official start of school holidays. Its gonna be a super busy couple weeks at the shops and running around like a mad man! Keen as always and ready to get crushing on the tools. For now though, its time to chill out, enjoy the rainy arvo reading and relaxing and kicking the feet up. Much love and lets rock and roll!


Ups and downs…


Noosa Ultra Trail 100k