Noosa Ultra Trail 100k
Monday the 20th of March, 2023
2k Shake out, Arvo 6.3k with Shalom X-Country kids
A cool day. I got some good sleep last night but the legs felt concrete today! Bloody tapering sucks. Work was good and its still bloody hot so we charge on. That aside, back the cross country kids at Shalom. I know I have spoken about this plenty in the past but man it is so cool spending time with good kids. Its something I look forward to each week and just get so revitalised by hanging out with solid little humans. I miss them when its not on and holidays roll. Until next term little guys.
Outside this, the day has been good and productive. Ill keep focusing on the resting and prepping mentally for the battle ahead on Sunday. Monday be done.
Tuesday the 21st of March, 2023
10k Windy and 10min stepper
Tapering is weird man. I feel lazy, heavy and eat too much. My legs are dead and I wanna run looooong but gotta rest. Last night I dreamt about UTA. I got lost, decided it was a good idea to have a sleep in a unit like 13k in and it was mildly stressful. Hopefully not a sign of how things will pan out on the weekend. When you are used to training so much and reel it in, the body does some wild stuff. Only a few more days to ride it out.
The rest of the day was good. I did some yard work this arvo to burn off some steam. Work was decent, I ran the kids around in the PM and hopefully fixed a plumbing issue at the shop (well the plumber did, not me). Days are still full but feel mildly empty without hours of controlled falling. It will return and it will with a vengeance. Now though, its race week and I need to keep getting the head in the game. Yeah boi.
Wednesday the 22nd of March, 2023
5k easy
Today has been very productive. There has been problems, they have been solved. I have learnt new things, ticked off some ‘to dos’ and marched forward with purpose. Sometimes I wonder though, is productivity just an excuse for not stopping? For trying to jam as much into a day as possible for no real reason? Do we (I) really need to be so ‘productive’?
I follow a gentleman on YouTube named Martijn Doolaard. I came across him some time ago as he spent a year living on his bicycle. Super rad. He has been making a series for some time now around his new venture, however I have just started at number one and am working my way though. The premise is that he bought a ruin (two small stone, completely run down ‘chalet’ type dwellings) in the Italian Alps. He has taken to documenting how it came to be, expenses, experiences with the local authorities, his manual work and thinking around restoring such premises. Apart from being extremely relaxing and pleasant to watch, I am finding it very educational (I have been looking into some of these options myself) and thought provoking.
Is/does life need to be so full? So jam packed? I am drawn so strongly to the solidarity and simpleness of working with my hands, literally being the product of my own hard work. It seems so far removed from where I am at currently (which I do throughly enjoy mind you) yet still lures me to its vastness and quietness. Is that kind of existence even an option given my current life, financial, family etc situation? Would I even want it if I were able to do it? Is it a classic case of ‘the grass is always greener’? Pondering's.
Regardless, I am only up to episode six and it is so soothing to view. I look forward to stopping, watching, listening, dreaming and enjoying. The added bonus of us being in the Italian Alps in a couple of months adds interest but that aside, beautiful viewing. I look forward to continuing to watch and learn through the series. Ill keep you posted.
Thursday the 23rd of March, 2023
2k Yep
Tapering still sucks.
Nerves however are starting to appear! Its kind of weird as not that long ago I was planning to run 50 x 100k days in a row and now I am worried about one of them!? Well, not worried, just a little anxious. I haven’t pinned a number on for over a year…this same race last year! I have started packing, getting my kit and gear sorted and I am very keen for the adventure ahead. A-Goal being to come in under 12hrs. I have been trying to remember the course and the pinch points but to be honest, I just want to push the best I can, be present and enjoy the day. It doesn’t mean I am not nervous though! With only two sleeps to go I will 100% be well carbed and ready to rock! YES! The added excitement is a large Bundy contingent and a couple of my best mates running new distances and getting to experience ultra at its finest. Its gonna be so sweet!
Outside of this the day was good. Kinda general, I enjoyed work and just going about usual business. Fun as always. I look forward to a good sleep tonight, a very short run tomorrow, some relaxing and then heading to the coast after Shalom Cross Country to settle in and getting ready to rock. Not long now.
Friday the 24th of March, 2023
2k The Day Before
Day before race day…chill, coffee and Unbreakable. It became a habit many many years ago to watch this movie as a hype up and just plane iconic historic documentary on the glory days of ultra running. Its the perfect video to get you fired up and ready to rock for race day! I am very excited to see how my day plays out but to be honest, very keen to see how my training mates go in new race distances (Tim 100k and Mitch 50mile). Regardless, its gonna be an epic day on the tails and now all that’s left to do is get running (and drive to the Coast!). Will check in after she is all done. All done bar the shouting.
Saturday and Sunday the 25/6th of March, 2023
100k Noosa Ultra Trail
What a weekend! I sit here Sunday night stuffed but pleased with my weekend at work. This was my second Noosa Ultra Trail and once again, it did not disappoint. So, how did it all pan out?
As mentioned I went in feeling pretty garbage (taper ugh) with no real pep in the legs. We kicked off at 6am and rolled the first 25k reasonably ok with a small crew of new and old friends. Once I hit this point though, things started going south REAL quick. The weather got savage and the humidity was next level. For 30k I was in some place of death and could not escape. The heat was oppressive, I was super dehydrated and the head light, needing to stop at points to not fall over. I pushed on the best I could but if felt very slow yet I was still catching people. Odd. I reached the first crewed aid station and was slowly turning the corner. I was boosted by seeing family and friends, smashed copious amounts of fluid and was encouraged to push on. True to Mat Grills form, from here on things just got better. The heat remained but I got stronger and stronger as the race progressed. I teamed up with a few new friends and really enjoyed hunting people from here until the finish. All was progressing so well until about 10k out where cramps started to plague me. I fell over twice and couldn’t get up quickly as both hamstrings locked up (it would have looked hilarious?) Nursing the onset of these muscle griping terrors, I pushed forward strongly yet cautiously and finished four minutes quicker than last year, eighth male and 10th overall. Pretty darn happy given the conditions of the day!
I have never drunk so much liquid in one day and still been massively dehydrated (my pee only just became clear at about 4:30pm Sunday afternoon). I must admit, I questioned if I was past it doing ultras in that first 60odd k’s. Should I quit? Would I have to walk it in? How could it all go so wrong? Then the last 35k I was so happy with my comeback, my attitude, chasing people down and my body not being that sore (apart from the cramps), I was still able to run well. It was wonderful to be back racing and today we celebrated. A lovely breakfast with the crew, farmers markets, family lunch and my somehow being able to drive home even though I barely slept last night.
All in all, a super fun, rewarding weekend. The ol diesel engine still remembers how to race and loves to pin a number on to push himself more than anything else. I look forward to a week recovery (and getting tattooed) before getting back to work to prep for Cooks Tour and primarily Lavarado in Italy in June. Thanks for the organisers, new and old friends and my crew for being amazing! Massive congrats to Tim and Mitch my main training buddies for completing new ultra distances, Tegs with a half hour PB in the 25k and everyone who crushed their races and goals this weekend. I tip my hat to you. Now, I rest and sleep. Much love y’all.