Rest or rust...
For about four and a half months now, my achilles has been troublesome. Sometimes no pain, often average discomfort, other-times, I thought I was going to have to stop mid run. Overall, just plain annoying. Physio and pre-hab has definitely helped but sadly not alleviated the issue all together. Generally, it just worries me, as any injury does any runner and I just want it GONE. Bloody body imperfections!
I have acquired the unfortunate diagnosis of Achilles tendinitis a number of years ago in the lead up to Coast 2 Kosci and it was not a good time. I spent much of the rehab doing exercises, swimming to stay fit and only running about six weeks before completing the 240km distance. I got there, but not training in the fashion I wanted to. Things have not reached these heights yet but it is always in the back of my mind….yabbering away like an annoying little child.
As runners, we are generally not good at dealing with injuries. We get ancy, cranky, impatient and more times than not, do what we shouldn’t….run more and not rest!. This is the constant struggle and mind game we play with ourselves. I, by nature am all or nothing. I’m either running a billion miles per week or sitting on the couch, eating vegan treats till they come out my ear holes. MMmm Plantitude biscuits…… I digress. For my mental, physical and emotional health, I need to be doing some form of endurance activity on a daily basis. I need it. My point is that if I ‘rest’, it is not healthy for me, or anyone around me. They should not have to put up with that version of me as a human.
Now, I know rest is good, healthy and at the right time, a positive thing for us. That doesn't mean I find it easy. And how much is enough, too much, not enough, and how much is it just me being lazy, unmotivated and a poopy pants sooky boy!? As Type-A personalities, we tend to do the bare minimum on the rest/recovery front and the maximum on the training/racing front. Anyone who doesn't is lazy and unmotivated! It is also extremely difficult to tell how long to take off for which part of our bodies may be broken/breaking down. Insert thinking face emoji here.
Another factor in our run/injury venn-diagram is external voices. Those who ‘don't get it’ or are ‘not as motivated as us’ telling us to just take it easy, have a few days off, you wont lose fitness, kick back and come back stronger in a week, two weeks, seven years. Well mate, unless you want me to be a miserable sack of crap, over weight carrying a dad bod, and out of sorts cause I’m not moving my body through space as much as possible, you don't really realise what your suggesting! I know these people have our best interest at heart but ‘best interest’ doesn't always mean right, correct or equating to the best human we can be.
So, where exactly does this leave me at this point in time and in my current state of ‘niggle?’ Well, who knows?! I know I don't want tendinitis again but I also don't want to be lazier than a sloth on valium. A plan is needed. I will run a short trail run tomorrow, then probably for the first time ever, leave my running shoes at home whilst Tegan and I go to Melbourne. They will be lonely and I will miss them. We’ll be there for four days (two of which I will be getting tattooed) and I will not run until Wednesday. Five. Days. Off. I will hopefully get a decent, very short block in before a short taper to Hares and Hounds, have a week off after that and then build a massive block/base before UTA100. Perfect plan right? My body can heal in that time while recovering from getting pulverised with needles for who knows how many hours. Don't worry, Im vegan, she’ll be right (insert severe sarcasm here).
Plans are fine. Reality is different. These are my thoughts and well see how we go. The body may disagree but well give it a crack. What’s the worse that can happen? I freshen up a little ready to throw down come February? Or, my foot stays the same and I look like a hippo performing ultramarathoning miracles. Either way, it should be entertaining. Peace friends, stay injury free, rest, or don't and keep being rad!