Well, I was well behaved. I did my 10k on the trails at the Sunny Coast as mentioned last blog and I left my shoes in Queensland while we holidayed in regional Victoria. Good boy! Introducing fat hippo ultra runner. Ha!
I have to say, it was a nice break. The Achilles literally has given me ZERO pain day to day which was the goal! It was lovely to stay up late, watch a couple of movies (actually more in the last week than in the last three or four….not joking!), sleep in a bit and relax. Well, there was the matter of getting tattooed for two days so probably not all that much relaxing, but you get my point! I did no running at least. It was a sweet break with Tegs, chilling out, exploring new areas we hadn’t been before, catching up with family and taking a well-deserved rest.
I had planned on five days off….well, my tattoos have taken longer to heal than expected so that has now turned into seven days and I am HANKERING for a run. I know the break will do me good, and in all honesty, I should have taken it after finishing the 100day half marathon challenge, but I am keen to get training! With Hares and Hounds not that far away, I feel very fat and lazy! Hopefully the body will remember what to do come Friday when I go for a trot again! Rest is good right? Insert eye roll here. Come on legs, please remember me and running!
The time off has given me a little perspective and got me excited about the goals I have for the rest of the year. Come February, the training load will surely be kicking back up and I have big plans to crush the rest of 2021. At this stage it is all about getting the body 100%, getting on top of my diet and focusing on the next 12-24months. Very exciting! I feel positive and excited about it all that is for sure! There will be many adventures and I look forward to taking you along for the ride.
In the mean time, I hope you are finding your own excitement in the day to day. Keep focused, set those goals and go out and crush them friends! Much love.