The King

I’m not sure why, but in the last week or so, I have been going back into the archives of Anton Krupickas blogs and reading through some of them.  For those of you who have been hiding under a rock and don't know, he is my hero and life inspiration in so many ways.  Antons blogs go back as far as 2007 and are an incredibly in-depth look into what makes the mythical man tick and search out such mindboggling, often all day adventures.  Whilst Tony is known for being a mountain endurance feign, he is also extremely educated and one heck of a writer; thus, making his musings wonderfully captivating content.  Check them out by clicking on his name above.

Apart from the incomprehensible running volume he used to achieve (and still does in a different way) week after week, the predominate reason Tony has become the Messiah like figure he has is the lifestyle he has built and his own personal brand.  Living in his car for a large portion of his early career, in-depth training logs from when he was 11years old, the tanned body, long flowing hair/beard and shirtless human propulsion, his simplistic existence and monomaniacal focus on moving through the mountains….running every single day, almost to his detriment.  Some say it futile and not attractive, I, and many  others, say it the dream.

I am incredibly happy and content with the life I have built.  I love the beach life, our amazing new home, Bargara, my own personal adventures, my kids and wife, the business we have built, but sometimes, if I am honest, I look to Tony in awe and lust around his existence.  I know that it wouldn't be all it is cracked up to be (and a lot of times pretty lonely), but to be so seemingly content with so little, completely dedicating ones life and daily activity to one thing and becoming a demigod because of that process is inspirational in every sense of the word.  

Maybe in some ways I actually have done this, just in a different way?  When one is ‘in it’ and living their own existence, trying every day to be better, push further and achieve more, it isn’t often one takes a step back….a 10,000 foot view and analyses who and what they are and do.  Life reflection?  Maybe I should.  Maybe I’m my own version of Tony.  Maybe not.  I’m ok with that and think my life and dedication to my craft pretty cool in its own way.    

I digress.  As far as figures go, I don't care who else comes along.  There will be other cool runners (Kyle Richardson is such guy) who pop there heads up over the years and are mysterious in different ways, but Anton will always be King.  He has helped mould, shape and direct my life and training in so many ways, he has to be.  This may be my downfall, and I’m ok with that.  In a complete non-stalker-ish way, I hope to one day meet the legend and express what a difference he has made in my world.  Keep being King Anton….you always will be in my mind.  The crown remains firmly in place.

In other news, this week I recorded a podcast with Kieren from Endurothon.  It was a super rad deep dive into my mindset, focus and determination through running and my 2022 goal to run across Australia.  I really enjoyed recording that one and it will be released between Christmas and New Year so keep an eye on my socials for when it is out.

Lastly, I have one week officially left in my half marathon a day for 100 day challenge.  I honestly can’t believe I am on day 93 of this thing and will do a proper wrap up when it is all said and done.  Good times.

Merry Christmas to you all, much love and keep being incredible.  I hope and pray Christmas is a peaceful time for you and you are able to spend it with the ones you love.  Stay strong friends, chase an adventure this week and Ill catch you again Wednesday.  Peace.


100 Days.....


Slow down...