So it happened...
When we started The Journey just under four years ago, I wanted to have a running group meet and finish at the shop. Due to the fact that I have been busy working and never really had a regular day off, unfortunatly it never came to fruition. Until today...
It has taken a while, but I made a decision to have a day off a week to do my other 'work', coaching, this blog and other random jobs. This also enabled me to brainstorm with Tim about an idea we have been festering for some time now...a run club, and some cool iterations in the future. So, I didnt take much encouraging. I put my thinking cap on, put the word out, set up some social media pages and thus, Skin n Bones Run Crew has been born. Tim acquiring the nickname 'Bones' in school and me being the 'skin'. Both for obvious reasons!
Now, I made the conscious decision to make it a mens only group. Not that we dont like the company of fit ladies, just that I see a real need for men, of all ages to get around each other, learn, share stories and grow together. What better way than during a run, a swim and a coffee every Wednesday?! I can think of none!
Today, at 5am on Wednesday the 25th of November, 2020, we had Kevi, Dave, Ando, Damo, Tommy, Mark and myself. Rocking out a 12ish k loop havin good ol times. A good turn out and crew to build on that is without doubt.
Whilst this might seem like a pretty basic and simple thing to get excited about, I have dreamt of it occuring for a long time now. To see it happen, hopefully watch it grow and be a part of the beginning warms my heart. It has taken time but sometimes good things do right?!
So, thank you boys who turned up (by the way, Tim works away so we have to eventually get a run happening when he can come) and were a part of the innagural SBRC. Much love, lets spread the goodness and keep building this machine! Bless.
PS - Day 65 of my 100day Half Marathon Challenge today. I did 25k this morning and will continue to do a little longer runs in lead up to Hares and Hounds in January. I gotta do something with this fitness I have now right!? GET IT!