
5/3 - What is up my friends!?  Well, hopefully y'all got a chance to read last weeks blog as it is still having (and will continue to have) a profound effect on my training, outlook on pain and injuries in general.  More on that in a bit.  This last week has seen some rest after my weekend away and a gentle lead back into my final block of training before my assault on Down Under 135 2018.  It has been a great week with a run each day from Thursday to Sunday with the pain in my knee/hip reducing every day along with my association with it.After my chiropractic appointment last Monday, I was challenged in relation to my mentality toward injury and the brain/body connection and association with pain.  We give these things such power, often un-warrented, when really, it is just our body talking to us, allowing our brains to process signals and give these what authority we choose.  Previously, I have given them a LOT of this authority!  However, this last week, I have been making a mindful effort to acknowledge them IF they comes up, sit with them, thank my body for them and move forward in positivity, not a negative mindset.  Before last Monday, I would have dwelt upon pain/injuries constantly, letting them how power in my body and mind they didn't deserve.  NOW, I have completely altered the way I even speak about them, if at all.  I am not living in ignorance, rather speaking about any ailments as just body speaking to me, my moving through them and living in positivity, having those things behind me and my moving forward.  A VERY big difference to how I used to tend to these issues.  This is obviously a work in progress but this week has been a fantastic step forward and progression I welcome in my life.Something I also picked up and was thinking about from my chiropractic appointment is my left foot pointing laterally and my not even being aware of it.  This got me pondering...if it isn't tracking straight (therefore causing issue with my knee not tracking as it should and placing extra load on my opposing hip), maybe if I concentrate on my gait when running, try and deliberately run with my left foot 'pointing in', maybe that would help everything track straighter and ease discomfort in my hip.  From Thursday until today I have focused on this and EVERY DAY the discomfort has got significantly less.  Im not saying this has completely healed the issues but I tell you what, the first five days of trying it has made a massive difference.  If nothing else it has helped me run much more mindfully.  Hopefully, going forward this will completely erase the issue altogether!  Ill keep you all posted.As mentioned above, I am now in my last four big weeks of training before DU135.  There is only 32 days until race day!  Holy smokes!  The goal is 600k for March with a 10day taper leading into the race.  I am already feeling FIT and this will just be some nice icing on the vegan cake!  I am super excited for this period in my training, nutrition and health in general.  Bring it on.Lastly, for those who missed it, the first part of two podcasts I did with The Pursuit of Enhancement went live this week.  If your keen to have a listen, google the name or click on the link.  I am super stoked with this chat, we covered a lot of topics and I really enjoyed the interview.  Much love friends, have a rad week, keep being incredible!  Peace.  Sandy




What a weekend!