Moving forward

12/2 - Morning friends!  I hope this finds you amazingly well after having a super week as I have!  It has been beautiful being a little cooler in the mornings but still enjoying the hot weather through the day.  So lovely!  A really nice time of year.This week has seen a little ramp up in volume.  Although I didn't do quite as many k's as I would have liked (still managed 138.5k with over 2k of vert), it is important that I am looking after my body at this stage of the game.  I took a day off running Thursday and rode instead due to some lingering soreness in my left knee.  I have had this type of injury before (runners knee) and I know it will pass but it is just frustrating and can get quite sore.  I just have to be smart.I have hit the hummock a number of times again this week with the highlight being a run out to Pine Creek and then four hours on the trails there with Dad and my mate Dave (five hours in total).  The knee was still sore but man it was an AMAZING time!  The trails out there are so so good!  Better than most of the loops at Glasshouse and to be so close to home, I feel like I have finally found a little gem to train on (thanks for pushing me to get out there Dave!).  Throughout the run and after, the rest of my body wasn't even sore and barely tired!  A SUPER good sign this far out from DownUnder.  Fitness is coming back with a vengeance and I am LOVING it!  Big thanks to Mum for having the kids whilst Tegs has been away so I can run.  Bless!This coming week is going to be a little bit of a drop back.  I want to get this knee right, recover a little and get ready for next week which will be a ripper.  Plenty of running here along with a trip to the coast and a double loop of Connondale Circuit.  This should equate to about 106km of trail time and close to 4k of vert!  Wow! Can not wait to experience this and share some quality time on the trail with friends!  Many laughs and rott talk will ensue no doubt!Other than that friends, a pretty cruisie week.  A good one training wise, personally and at the shop.  I pray this finds you embracing the day, loving life and chasing your own dream.  Much love....Peace.


The ups and downs


Finding balance in the extreme