Its been a minute!

5/12 - What is doing y'all!?  Hope this finds you well and ripping into some training!  It has been a minute since I have blogged and I thought I had better start getting myself organised again.  An update on what is going on is surely on the cards.So, first up, my bike crash.  My recovery has gone pretty well, however still having issues with my right wrist.  I have had a million scans and seen quite a few doctors however it is still painful and I can not weight bare on it.  I am in the process of getting a second opinion from another orthopaedic surgeon so we'll see what comes of that.The big news however is in relation to my hip/groin injury.  Again, after a million scans and seeing a number of doctors, I believe I finally have an answer.  Not a good one unfortunately.  The hip specialist I have seen has diagnosed me with mild shallow roof hip dayslasia.  Basically, it is a congenital condition where my hip socket is smaller than it should be, thus the head of the femur doesn't fit correctly.  Because of this, the head doesn't move smoothly, causing wear on the labrum (cartilage/shock absorber in the hip) and presenting as pain in my hip and yep, you guessed it, my groin.  Basically, what all that means is it sucks!  I have a number of options from mild (injections, which I don't want as its just a bandaid) through to major surgery.  I have early onset arthritis (due to the congenital nature and running speeding up the process) and will eventually have to do something.  I am going to get a referral to another specialist in Brisbane and see what they think as they deal with this type of issue more regularly.  Ill keep you posted on that.In saying all that, I have rested my 'injury' for over seven months and the start of November I started running again.  I have been slowly building with a combination of running and walking and only today in the last k of my 18k run had a little pain in the hip.  So, I am basically carrying on as per usual, building to race again and see what happens.  If my hip holds up, I will keep on keeping on, however if it breaks down again, something will have to be done sooner rather than later.  Time will tell.All in all though, things are cruising along.  The shop is going good, the family is well and with school holidays looming, life is about to get even busier for the next couple of months.Much love friends.  I pray you are all well an I can't wait to see you in person at a race (fingers crossed) or somewhere else soon.  Peace, Mat



