The waiting game...

17/5 - Well, unfortunately, another week has passed without me knowing any more or having any further answers to my injury woes.  I have been diligently walking an hour a day (well kind of limping too) but lets face the cold hard facts.....this isn't helping my fitness at all or stopping me piling on the kilos!  Ugh!  I was hoping for a MRI referral today but the waiting continues....So, as I have in the past, tomorrow, I am going to jump on the bike again and try and re-gain/maintain a little fitness.  It is not running, but it is better than walking that is for sure!  I am hoping this doesn't aggravate my groin/whatever else down there injury further but I am sick of waiting.  It is the worst time of year to take up biking due to the cold, but hay, Ill just have to suck it up right?!  Onward and upward.Apart from that, I have made a conscious decision to get my diet and lifestyle back in some order, focusing on clean vegan food, devotions, journaling, meditation and mindfulness.  I know that is a whole heap of hippy dippy stuff but hay, thats the way I roll!  Good times.  I am looking forward to leaning up, dropping the weight I have gained, gaining clarity, feeling light again and moving forward with positivity.  Many good times!Anyway, the only way is forward and up my friends.  I am super excited and doing my best to stay positive so lets see how the next week pans out.  Much love all, keep rocking it!  Mat


Something better than nothing...


Last chance!