
This week has been another buzy one...tapping out assignments, study, training like a banchi, working and hanging with the crew.  Mid week, I got a text from my mate Jody Fisher asking if he could come up and visit, hangout and go for a run.  I was stoked!  So, on Friday he made his way to Bundy, crashed the night and we went for a fun run on Saturday morning with some other friends and then kicked around for the rest of the day before he had to take off (and I had to do some study!).This small event kinda sparked some emotion in me and got me thinking about running and in particular trail running.  It truly is a special sport and I know I have talked about it before but please indulge me.... I really feel like (at 99% of events anyway) that I am part of something beautiful and the other athletes are my family.  At times it is really hard living in Bundy being so far away from trails and mountains but the friends I have made through running always keep the excitement, love and fire burning.  I honestly believe that I have made some friends that I will have for life and although we might be different in age, socioeconomic status, life stages or whatever, we are connected through this beautiful practice of putting one foot in front of each other.I feel honoured and blessed beyond words sometimes when I think of the relationships I have in my life.  At times I am almost brought to tears thinking of the love I have for my wife and kids and further, my heart overflows with the joy I have toward my trail brothers and sisters.  Although the human side of me gets in the way at times, I love you all beyond words, am grateful to be a part of your life and look forward to the many adventures we will share ahead.  Through the pain, sheer exhilaration, mental strength, peace, serenity, depths of despair, overwhelming appreciation of nature and fondness for the path less travelled we are united and share one heart.Thank you all for being my friend, partner, dirtbag, crazy, 'rest of the world doesn't get it', ultimate ultra buddy.  Keep loving life, chasing your dreams and sharing the journey.  Thanks for the visit Jody and in turn, prompting some special visits.  If any of y'all fancy a weekend away to the flat lands and crash out at our beach shack, drop me a line.  Much love peeps, keep running and exploring.  Namaste.




Inspiration and exciting new partnership!