Inspiration and exciting new partnership!
What up party people! Hows things? It has been a usual buzy, productive, exciting week! Hope it has been the same for y'all! Apart from all the usual, on Saturday, a group of us decided to run to Childers from Bundy....just a random reason to run 50k!So, at 4am, 10 of the Bundy Crew gathered together and head off for a morning of fun. We went a back way I have never been before and it was AMAZING! Truly one of the most enjoyable runs I have done in a long while! Beautiful weather, company, nature and conversation. Who would have thought running on the road could be fun!? LOL!The thing that will stay with me for a long time as a result of this run however is getting to know, and chat with my good friend Tanya's 14year old daughter Sharna. She has recently got into running but never gone further than 16k....still bloody impressive for a 14year old kid! I was really keen to chat to her as Tanya has been telling me over the last 6months or so about her transition to a plant based diet. I was super excited to chat shop with a kid about how it was all panning out for her.So, over the course of the four odd hours she was running we chatted pretty much the whole time. Apart from the fact that she ran 34km!!! WHAT THE HECK, she is one of the most inspirational, wise beyond her years, nicest kids I have ever chatted to. She has vision, perspective and compassion and it was a pleasure to talk to her about veganism, growing up in todays society, Christianity, running adventures and everything in between. I went away from the day completely revitalised and excited to know that there are still kids out there with vision and drive to change the world. Keep pursuing the journey Sharna, your a special kid and I know your mum, as well as me as your new friend is super proud of you!Aside from that exciting adventure, I have been in contact with a lady named Carmen of Love Life, Live Yoga in Bundy. After a meeting with her and her partner, I am excited to announce that I have joined with them in cross promotion. I have been wanting to get into yoga to compliment my running for a long time, so I am super stoked with this new partnership! I will be writing for their new online magazine/newsletter regularly and doing what I can to promote their business. Very very excited! So, if your keen to make your life richer, expand your mind, get a great workout and improve your flexibility, check them out and head on in for a class!So, all in all, it has been a super week! I have loved every minute, getting plenty of uni work done and loving life in general. I am spinning out a bit thinking there is only five weeks till Glasshouse 100miler, but training is going well and I am super keen to rip in!!!Have a rad week y'all! Spread the love, smile plenty and pat a strangers dog, trust me, it'll cheer your day up (providing it doesn't bite your hand....ask first kids!) Much love...Mat