This time next week (22/9/21) is Day One of my 50day Challenge. As part of my preparation to run across the country next year, last year I ran 100 half marathons in a row and this year I am committed to running a minimum of a marathon a day for 50days. This is going to be a massive undertaking as I am continuing to work some days a week and also fitting out a new shop in the process. Wo!
In saying this, I am super excited to get into it! I have been visualising, daily focusing on what is ahead and with every training run, keen to move toward and get the runs started. I write with nervous anticipation and cannot wait to test myself with this mammoth task in front of me. It’s overwhelming to think about it all together, not too dissimilar to most ultras I enter, but will be breaking down each day, hour and kilometre in front of me to get the job done. One step at a time.
I encourage you to take on your own 50day challenge. It can be running related, health, behavioural, mental….whatever you decide. Consider taking the step of going vegan for the 50days and do something substantial in your own world to change your health, the environment and the animals we share it with. Whatever you decide, set a goal that seems just a little out of your comfort zone and push yourself daily to achieve it. Most of all, remember my catch cry…..Commitment and Consistency…..the two foundations of success in anything…particularly a challenge that lasts 50days.
So, how will I be doing my challenge? On the days I am working in the shop I will be doing a marathon (42.2k) a day. On days I have off from work, I will be aiming for 50k to do half the distance I will be next year on my cross country venture. On Tuesday, Thursday and Sundays, I will be doing set routes so others can join me along the way. I will be posting the maps on my Instagram (Adventures and Activism) and if you want to join me for a few ks ANY day of the week just shoot me a message or DM and well make it happen. I will be after as much company as I can get!
That's it. Pure, focused determination on getting a goal achieved. 300+k a week for just over seven weeks. Massive, yes, but the next step in my journey to running across this great land of ours in 2022. Lets share these 50days together and achieve something super rad friends! Much love.