Nothing is impossible The Tattoo Runner Blog 29 Apr Written By Last September, my mate Sean did not run. I mean, not even a little, pretty much did not run period! Never been a runner, never cared for it and never considered it. Until, I am only guessing here that spending time at The Journey, chatting to my running buddies and I, decided that he wanted to start to run. A lifestyle change under my coaching to get some weight off, start moving and maybe, one day, run a half marathon. His first run of 300m nearly killed him. Now, Sean is a paramedic and does stints of ‘on call’ and shift work in general. If you haven’t done this type of work before it is hard to explain how taxing it can be and how hard it can be to get motivated. This isn’t an excuse, just a hurdle anyone working through the night has to contend with. It becomes even more of a mountain to climb when starting a new habit and the routine is constantly interrupted. I did my best to tailor his program around shifts however Sean’s consistency wasn't quite there yet. Fast forward to around the middle of March, Sean was sticking to his program less and less, coupled with some personal challenges, I was worried he was going to give up and quit my coaching and even worse, running in general. Until. He. Found. Goggins! Sean devoured his book ‘Cant hurt me’ and developed a fire I hadn’t seen before in him. He announced to close friends and I that he would be embarking on a 30day Challenge, running a minimum of 5k a day for 30days. Freaking awesome! And so, Sean got to work! He ticked off the boxes day by day, had some super low motivation days where his 5k nearly didn't happen, but, day by day, week by week he ran a minimum of 5k a day. This even included a day where his ankle swelled up like a tennis ball for no reason and contrary to some naysayers who advised him to ‘rest’, ‘not push yourself’ and ‘have a day off’, he did what Goggins would do and got out there and got his run done! I personally was motivated by his daily Strava entries seeing him catch the running bug and euphoria that can be created by simply putting one foot in front of the other. Through the middle of the 30days, Sean began running a few days here and there a little longer. Toward the end of the 30days he stated that he wanted to have a crack at running his first ever 10k on day 30. He even invited a few friends to join him. After playing dumb initially, we started a Facebook group of close buddies and decided to surprise him on his penultimate day, running 10k with him in celebration of his 30day achievement. So, yesterday, we rolled up to meet him, he got the shock of his life and he did it. He freaking did it! Step by step, kilometre by kilometre he ticked the run off. Sean RAN 10k! Seven to eight months ago, he would have NEVER dreamt of running 10k. However, he saw something, a glimmer of what he wanted in his life. He dedicated himself after some initial stutter starts and built a habit. Like many, Goggins inspired him but he did the work. I am so very VERY proud of him and Sean is an example that if you stop making excuses, commit to something and work hard at it, anything is possible! What a legend! Brother, I look forward to seeing where you take this in the future and how you continue to change, work hard, crush your dreams and expectations for what is possible for you. Further, I would encourage all of you, never limit yourself! If it's a 5k, 50k or 200k, starting a business, improving your relationship, being better at work or just a better mum or dad, start small. Make a plan, get outside help if you need it but most importantly, work your damn ass off to get what’s yours! Nothing is impossible. Nothing. Much love crew.
Nothing is impossible The Tattoo Runner Blog 29 Apr Written By Last September, my mate Sean did not run. I mean, not even a little, pretty much did not run period! Never been a runner, never cared for it and never considered it. Until, I am only guessing here that spending time at The Journey, chatting to my running buddies and I, decided that he wanted to start to run. A lifestyle change under my coaching to get some weight off, start moving and maybe, one day, run a half marathon. His first run of 300m nearly killed him. Now, Sean is a paramedic and does stints of ‘on call’ and shift work in general. If you haven’t done this type of work before it is hard to explain how taxing it can be and how hard it can be to get motivated. This isn’t an excuse, just a hurdle anyone working through the night has to contend with. It becomes even more of a mountain to climb when starting a new habit and the routine is constantly interrupted. I did my best to tailor his program around shifts however Sean’s consistency wasn't quite there yet. Fast forward to around the middle of March, Sean was sticking to his program less and less, coupled with some personal challenges, I was worried he was going to give up and quit my coaching and even worse, running in general. Until. He. Found. Goggins! Sean devoured his book ‘Cant hurt me’ and developed a fire I hadn’t seen before in him. He announced to close friends and I that he would be embarking on a 30day Challenge, running a minimum of 5k a day for 30days. Freaking awesome! And so, Sean got to work! He ticked off the boxes day by day, had some super low motivation days where his 5k nearly didn't happen, but, day by day, week by week he ran a minimum of 5k a day. This even included a day where his ankle swelled up like a tennis ball for no reason and contrary to some naysayers who advised him to ‘rest’, ‘not push yourself’ and ‘have a day off’, he did what Goggins would do and got out there and got his run done! I personally was motivated by his daily Strava entries seeing him catch the running bug and euphoria that can be created by simply putting one foot in front of the other. Through the middle of the 30days, Sean began running a few days here and there a little longer. Toward the end of the 30days he stated that he wanted to have a crack at running his first ever 10k on day 30. He even invited a few friends to join him. After playing dumb initially, we started a Facebook group of close buddies and decided to surprise him on his penultimate day, running 10k with him in celebration of his 30day achievement. So, yesterday, we rolled up to meet him, he got the shock of his life and he did it. He freaking did it! Step by step, kilometre by kilometre he ticked the run off. Sean RAN 10k! Seven to eight months ago, he would have NEVER dreamt of running 10k. However, he saw something, a glimmer of what he wanted in his life. He dedicated himself after some initial stutter starts and built a habit. Like many, Goggins inspired him but he did the work. I am so very VERY proud of him and Sean is an example that if you stop making excuses, commit to something and work hard at it, anything is possible! What a legend! Brother, I look forward to seeing where you take this in the future and how you continue to change, work hard, crush your dreams and expectations for what is possible for you. Further, I would encourage all of you, never limit yourself! If it's a 5k, 50k or 200k, starting a business, improving your relationship, being better at work or just a better mum or dad, start small. Make a plan, get outside help if you need it but most importantly, work your damn ass off to get what’s yours! Nothing is impossible. Nothing. Much love crew.