Get fluid...

Just a rad truck I built out of Lego with no instruction. No big deal!

2020 and 2021 will be the years of going with the flow.  Taking the hits, being adaptable and not getting too comfortable with what lies ahead.  Well, any plans anyway!  

This coming weekend I was meant to be doing a 110km bike ride in Brisbane – Tour de Brisbane.  Well, after the little COVID muck up last weekend, it has been rescheduled to who knows when and I am a little disappointed.  HOWEVER….Wild Horse Criterium, which is usually on Easter weekened, was also postponed and now on this coming Sunday…..perfect!  So, no bike ride, but a 55k solid training run in my build to UTA in May.

If I am perfectly honest, it sucks.  But hay, we cannot do anything about it and there is no point in whinging.  When you compete in endurance events, and often spend months preparing for a race and then it is cancelled or postponed, it throws you a bit.  Training is a test, love, challenge and cathartic experience in itself, which I treasure, but it is nice to have a joint goal to work toward, together with potentially thousands of others.  A celebration of sorts, shared suffering and ecstasy in finishing something hard.  It's a beautiful thing.

Covid, if nothing else, has taught us to be fluid in our plans.  Not drawing too much attachment to dates, events or goals.  To enjoy the process, to be fit and to be ready for anything that may or may not happen in the future.  For someone like myself who likes to stay fit and in shape year round, its not so bad….but there is specific methods and procedures we go through depending on what race we may have coming up.  Non-attachment and finding joy in the different can only be a good thing.  Making us better and more well rounded humans.  Or maybe that's just an excuse I tell myself at the disappointment in not being able to do what I want to do.  Selfish?  Potentially.

Regardless, the last year and a bit has been wild.  While I would love to be riding this weekend, I’m more than happy to be going away for the weekend with my dad, chilling out, hitting some cool cafés, and competing in a running event instead of a riding one.  It will be fun, the vibes will be good and the elated exhaustion in doing something joyfully uncomfortable, worth the toil.  

We really are blessed.  Things aren’t that bad here in Australia and if the only thing I have to complain about is a changed race schedule then its pretty darn good.  I am grateful we can still move freely, enjoy work, the outdoors and life pretty much as it was pre-Covid.  So, I know my adventure this weekend….do you know yours?  Go get it friends.  Peace.


Wild Horse Crit 55k


It comes in threes