It comes in threes
So, a lot can happen in a week! The time of writing my blog seven days ago, all was cruising along nicely! I had completed 10days of 15miles a day (24ish k) and was feeling strong! Then, I went for a bike ride and long story short came down hard on my hip….right in front of Bargara State School of all places! I dusted myself off and went back out but my hip was ordinary! Scabbed up and bruised to the hilt! A little shaken, I have worked through it….
Unfortunately though, this brought a sudden end to my 15day mini challenge. I got up Thursday morning hoping to run but 600m at 7min pace and I was done! It has taken a number of days to build back up to full power and now a week post, I’m pretty much at 100%. Pretty hectic! Bike crashes suck!
Subsequent to my crash, the next day, I thought it a good idea to spill nearly a whole cup of boiling water on my hand whilst at work. Certainly one of the most painful things I have done in a while! I managed to hold it together during service, but man, it was hard. We were getting smashed and I couldn't stop to put it under cold water so I now have some solid blistering across all four fingers first knuckles. Strike two Grills! Goin solid!
Then, as we all know, on Monday at 5pm, we went into another round of Covid madness. What the heck?! I know we have had it pretty good here is Queensland but seriously?! I am pretty darn over this low level anxiety Covid has caused nearly everyone World wide. Lingering far too long like an incredibly bad smell, we would all just like you to go away any time your ready! To anyone struggling through this time, sending you love and posi thoughts.
So, it has been a week! They say things come in threes, so hopefully that will be it for a while! I don't really need or want any other madness for a bit. Solid training, some adventures and good times will suffice me plenty! Sometimes I stop to think about the life we are all living at the moment and it just seems like some sort of alternate reality. It’s not though. This is it. This is the one shot we have so we better make the best of some crap situations. Life ain’t waiting for us to catch up.
If you are battling at the moment and this time in history getting you down, remember, you’re not in it alone. There is help if you need it, keep the energy up, exercise, eat well and look for the good in every day and moment. You are worth it, today is worth it and this life is worth it. We need all the soldiers we can get at this point in time!
From a bit of a crappy week, it ain’t all that bad. I am blessed and super grateful for what I have and where I’m at. One foot in front of the other, relentless forward progress and things nearly always get better. I hope you’re well my friend and life is serving you well. Stay true. Much love.