Over the last 11years competing in ultra-endurance sports and starting up a small business, a constant thread has emerged. Hustle. Heck, I even spoke about it again yesterday when giving a presentation to the Grade 12 cohort at Bundaberg State High School. It has become so integral to what I do and who I am at times it feels tiring….but pretty much always worth it.
This morning, I was privilege enough to spend a significant amount of time on the phone to Richard Thompson, the Ultraman World Champion. I have come to know him a little through the UM scene and recently approached him about how he has been able to attract such big sponsors and basically do what he does. Not so surprisingly, Richard also spoke about hustle. Chasing people, getting a lot of no’s, refusing to give in and that ‘worn out’ feeling going after your dreams day in and day out can sometimes provide. Rich was super generous with the advise he gave and has massive things coming so watch this space. He also gave me some clearer vision about my run across Australia so that was fantastic!
I sometimes think about my life and what it would be like if I didn't hustle and be so rabid, chasing after what I want everyday. It sometimes seems super attractive to just run, go about my business, and ‘let things come to me’ (which, lets face it, rarely happens!) The quietness and ease of it all sound alluring but then my reality is snapped back into place and I quickly remember, that is not me, nor do I really want it to be. I’m built to be busy, to fill my days, to have a massive dream and chase it down when no one else will. I love laying my head on the pillow at night knowing that I have jammed as much into one day as I possibly can and that I left no stone un-turned. Well, that is always the goal!
Some might seem this as an issue or problem, that the job list never gets done and other things may get neglected. Well, there is always that risk but I guess that is what’s so cool about life. The job is never done. Lists will be endless and as much as we try and try to get them sorted, they always rack up. Having peace and comfort knowing we have done what we can each day though and not stressing if things remain outstanding is an important place to reach. I feel I am getting there slowly but always have the urge to ‘chase the dragon’ of completing the illusive list of tasks to complete. Then I gently remind myself to let it go and it will still be there tomorrow.
So, I guess there is a delicate balance to doing as much as we can each day and being content with not getting everything finished in whatever arbitrary timeframe we set ourselves. Time really is irrelevant and it is all about reaching whatever point in our own lives where we feel content with what we have or have not achieved each day. This will vary for each person and whilst I seem to get a thousand things done every 24hours, this may not be the path for you. And that's ok.
I encourage you; find your hustle. Challenge yourself to extend your boundaries as to what is possible for you and don't let anyone else affect that decision. If you have a dream and vision for your life, the more you hustle and work toward that, the more likely it is to come to fruition; it may just be a matter of how quickly. We only have one life and I know for me I am gonna squeeze every ounce out of it that I can! Go get it friends. Much love!