Its only impossible, until its not...

This week, one of my friends posted on Facebook about the potential of attempting a pair of races (an Ironman and UTA 100k run) in close succession.  I took much amusement and interest in reading the comments and people’s opinions, experiences and general two cents worth about the possibility of such a feat.  This got me thinking…..why is it that if an individual, or any human in history for that matter hasn't completed a task, do we see it as crazy, irresponsible, outlandish and even unsafe?  Worry, jealousy, inadequacy or straight up fear of what one human might be able to achieve if they put themselves on the line?

When Roger Bannister broke the 4minute mile many thought it an impossible time.  Upon his breaking it, a slew of runners broke the milestone very soon after as it could now be done!  Eliud Kipchoge smashed the 2hr marathon mark (all be it unofficial as it wasn't in official competition) when all projections were it wouldn't be done for decades if at all.  Alex Honold free soloed El Cap (straight up wild!), The Iron Cowboy completed 50 Ironmans in 50 States of America in 50days, a friend of mine averaged 200km running per week for a whole year, breaking 8hrs in the Ironman…examples are endless of humans putting their necks on the chopping block, facing ridicule, applying themselves religiously and completing their goal.

There is obviously times where this goes horribly wrong and burnout occurs, goals are not reached and personal embarrassment is a real result of what the onlookers may deem self grandeur.  And we must be smart to have longevity in any sport.  Ultramarthons take years to build a base upon which massive distances can be covered and each hand/foot hold must be meticulously studied for a free solo attempt to result in anything but death.  My point is, the impossible only comes though an often frowned upon amount of hard work.  However, I took away an invaluable quote from a job I worked many years ago that said, ‘It is better to aim high and miss than shoot low and achieve’.  

Very often, we as humans want to be safe, and that is fine for most.  I have no judgement on that way of existence.  However, there are the chosen few that aspire for greatness, set incomprehensively massive goals, train at what seems to be a dangerous rate, yet, very often, crush the dream they set out to achieve.

I want to be one of these humans.  I don't want to be ‘safe’.  I don't want to be ordinary.  I don't want to be a sheep, following along with the masses, doing what has always been done and getting comfortable doing the same things over and over again.  I want to be remembered.  I want greatness.  I want risk.  I want to work my ass off, leave no stone unturned and do things the 99.9% of population would say is impossible.  One of my biggest fears is being normal.  Screw that!

So, if you have a dream, do not be naïve and think it will just come to you.  Make a plan, be un-apologetic in your preparation (remember the six P’s – Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance) and complete what you set out to achieve.  DO NOT listen to the naysayers, the haters and those who want to pull you down to their level.  You are bigger than that and can achieve more that you can imagine.  We are all born for greatness, DO NOT settle for the vanilla.  We only have one life and I can tell you right now, I’m going to get mine…..I aint waiting round for greatness to come to me.

Much love friends.  Go get it!  Peace!


The hard yards


Hares and Hounds 2021