Harder than it looks

Well, nearing the end of Day 2 in this 100 Hard Challenge, I have to say, it is going to be bloody harder than it sounds written down! Time management is going to be vital (one of the perks of NOT being on the phone) and diligence to all tasks on the daily ‘to do’ list will be the key to success. Two days in, two successful days.

One of the cool things about this is that I have tagged a mate Scott along for the journey. He is also realizing it is going to be tough, but misery (or progress?!) loves company right? Having someone going through the same daily battles is awesome and something I am very grateful for! Lets do it Scott!

Today was pretty typical as of late. Up early, run, work, workout, hang with the kid and wife, read, blog, rest, repeat. How I like it! Man I have been bloody hungry though!

My mate Tim posed a wonderful question to me this morning, ‘Is the heart voice the same as gut feeling?’. That one made me think, ponder and reflect. I might cover more of this in the future but on initial thought, my musings were that the heart voice is like our calling. Like doing something that lights one up inside and externally…maybe even what we were born to do. The gut instinct is like the capacity to decipher good and bad, wise and poor decisions. I like this kind of questioning and I really like the term heart voice. Tim thought an example of the heart voice could be what leads us to do unplanned, nice things for others because its what we feel we should do at that particular time. I like that and if that is an accurate description, then it is certainly something I strive to employee in my life. Thanks for the pondering mate!

So, another ripper day. A full but productive one laying the foundations for this 100days of progress and change. Stay true friends. Consistency + Commitment.




Wow…it’s been a while