Bliss and Echo
Some weeks, some days and even some moments are just better than the rest. There might not even be something special about these moments, it’s just the frame of mind, the surroundings, the ambiance and the joy of just being. Running fortunately lends itself to moments like these but it takes an abundance of practice, commitment and consistency to enable ones self to be in a position to receive them. Recently, I have experienced a couple of these rare moments.
One of these was this morning and the other was a few days back when nearing the end of my run. In both instances the weather was sublime. The autumn days had brought a cooler air, the sun had risen but at that special moment where it wasn’t yet full power, just at a glowing, warming position in time. I had already completed a number of kilometres preceding the moment which I believe was part of the recipe. The steps felt incredibly easy, almost like my feet weren’t touching the ground…floating, nearly looking down on myself moving through space. People around me were players in the act yet not contributing much except their smile and a ‘hello’. Perfect.
I was alone but felt incredibly unified with the world. The seconds that passed even though time seemed irrelevant. Running with others is amazing, however I believe that to truly experience such an occasion, solitude is fundamental. Shared miles are wonderful but much of the reason I run is the aloneness. A reflecting aloneness. Something not many humans get to nor want to experience in this world of connectivity and unhealthy desire often times for companionship. Life is meant to be lived with others but being 100% present with oneself with no other distractions is magical.
I digress. For every moment like I have described in the last week, there is a myriad of others that pale in comparrision. Where things are hard, the feet drag, the wind and or rain is present, the labour is real. However, the age old saying ‘you can’t have a rainbow without the rain’ is so very true. We must struggle, we must do the hard yards to be able to really appreciate and cherish the bliss.
We push forward, we yearn, we go to battle for the slim chance of encountering one of ‘those’ moments. It keeps us getting out the door, putting one foot in front of the other and embracing the journey.
This week I was extremely lucky to experience two of these near extinct moments. I feel so incredibly fortunate. My run today in particular was something to remember. The turtle trail at Mon Repos was spectacular. Everything was in flow and I was one with my being both in body, mind and spirit. A remarkable moment. Thankfulness and gratitude was heavy. Vibes so high.
Life is feeling so great currently. Each day I am doing my best to give my all to training, my family, our businesses and prepping for my X-Country run. Full days full of memorable moments. I hope and pray you can find yours. Dedicate yourself to something bigger than yourself. Focus, be patient and push through….you might just uncover one of these precious glimpses into flow I did this week. Let your relentless pursuit ensue.
Much love friends, Consistency + Commitment.