Recovery Week...

25/6 – Friends!  How goes it?!  This week has been a down/non-training week after Brisbane Valley Rail Trail 100miler.  I’ve eaten too much, tried to be productive in other areas of life and I got some extra sleep, which has been nice!  I have come away from the race with a big hole in the bottom of my left big toe, which has been pretty darn painful!  It was just a deep blister but somehow got infected and has been nasty!  It is finally starting to heel, which I am stoked about cause light training begins again this week! On a mental side, I have still been trying to get my head around the race and how well it went.  It truly was one of those magical days where everything just goes right, clicks and you wish for every race day!  I didn't really know what to expect going into the race as my preparation was a little mixed…but lets just say, I would have never expected placing third!  So rad! I enjoyed every moment of the race, met some beautiful people, caught up with some old buddies and just had a blessed day on the trail.  Its good to be back racing again! Going forward, I am waiting for this Saturday to hear about an event I applied for.  The outcome of that application will affect my training over the coming months, but next up, regardless, is Flinders Tour 50k as a solid training run and then my next big goal, Glasshouse 100miler.  I cant wait to get back there in my best shape and fitness yet and throwdown!  Always a ripper weekend. I hope yall doing well friends.  Big love, have a ripper week and get at it!  Peace!




Redemption Run...