What a ride!
Well, the last couple of weeks have been a pretty up and down ride of emotion. It is a reasonably long story so for those not interested, back out now! It is kind of interesting though so if your keen, buckle up!About a month and a bit ago, I went for a run up at Connondale National Park with Jason and got mauled by leaches. I had no less than 20-30 on my feet (I was in sandals) for over five hours and it was TERRIBLE! I didn't think much of it at the time (apart from trying to stop the bleeding) and carried on. As the next week went on, my right foot got pretty darn sore and I pretty much had to stop running. I rested, was in a boot, walked and then tried to run after some time but still sore. On physio and doctor advise I was assigned to the bike, no impact and as much rest as I could.In the mean time, the lympth nodes in my groin got incredibly swollen and painful. I was in a world of hurt, clammy and feeling rough! I ended up in hospital after blood work and scans for observation. It was initially believed I had cellulitis. After some time again, nothing showed up and I was released eventually on antibiotics. I took these for a week and three days after stopping, the swelling returned and I was back to the doctors.After more blood work, a CT, bone scans and ultra sounds of my abdomen, groin and foot....NOTHING! It has been super frustrating as my foot has been obviously sore and for thoes who know me, it takes A LOT to stop me running so I am none the wiser what is going on! Basically at this point, I am going to start running on Monday and see what happens! Who knows! It is a mystery and I know my foot has been sore but still have no answers!On a positive, as of tomorrow I would have done 800km on the bike in 19days! Pretty stoked with that! Good to be able to do something at least!Providing my foot is ok, I intend on working up to do Cooks Tour 50miler and then possibly a 100miler in Melbourne in July. One step at a time though, literally!On a side note, after a fair amount of muck around and organising, we have settled on our little beach shack at Bargara and now are the proud owners. We are SO SO happy here and feel completely blessed to have this home.So, it has been a pretty hectic couple of weeks/months for me but hopefully onward and upward from here! This weekend I was meant to be in New Zealand getting ready for Northburn 100miler tomorrow....but it was not meant to be unfortunately! Next year I hope my dream will come true to do the race I have wanted to do for about three to four years.I appreciate and love you all for your support and kindness through this process. It means the world to me. I hope this finds you all well, safe and rocking it! Keep safe friends, much love and well chat soon!