Where have you been all my life?!

Well friends, first of all SORRY!  It has been weeks since I have posted a blog and for some reason (not really sure why) I just haven't got around to throwing one up!  Things have been pretty busy since the 100miler.  We packed half our townhouse up and moved back to Bundaberg.  We have been living at mum and dads place as we still have a lease on our place in Buderim.  This is up mid December when we will get our own place down at beautiful Bargara.  Tegan, the kids and I have all fallen back into the swing of things here and enjoying the simple life again.  Tegs is back at her old job and loving it, the girls are at a new kindy which they are enjoying and I am really stoked with my new position at the Windmill at Bargara.  All good.  We have been really appreciative to mum and dad for having us stay however super keen to get our own little place down at the beach and set up house again.Running wise, I have really missed the trails and hills of the Sunny Coast.  That being said, I have gotten in some good milage and still managed to get some vert in, running round and round, up and down the one hill we have here, the Hummock.  It is a dormant volcano so I have dubbed it Cano.  It is like my new home!  Everyone laughs as I have worn in a full on goat track on a vacant block I do repeats on....hay, a goats gotta do what a goats gotta do!I had two weeks off after the miler which I really needed and slowly worked back into things.  My body was pretty darn beat up after that race and I really needed the rest!  Since then I have logged weeks with vert of 72.5k (267m), 100.3km (690m), 122.8km (1050m), 130.7km (1600m), 77.7km (334m).  So, just goes to show, if you want to do something, you just have to put your mind and body to work and make it happen.  Even if it means running the same tracks over and over again!This weekend is the Blackall 100k race.  I have been looking forward to this race all year and run some of the trails up there and can not wait to get amongst the action!  It is amazingly beautiful and were gonna catch up with some of our good friends so we can't wait for the fun of the weekend to begin!Appart from that, all has been great!  It was dads 60th Birthday last week, mine next week and Prias soon.  We have caught up with a heap of our old friends and generally enjoying life.  I hope to find out about Uni this month so I am eagerly awaiting that email!For now, thats it!  Just a quick catch up blog to send you all some love, good vibes and prayers.  I hope you are living life to the fullest, smiling and aiming to make every day better than yesterday!  Remember, tomorrow will never come!  Peace and plants friends.  Mat


Blackall 100

