Week 10 and 11...

28/7 – 3/8Well this week was meant to be five rest days, recovery and prep to start block training again for the miler. That all went to the dogs when my flu turned into a chest infection and I ended up on antibiotics (still am) and I have been unable to train all week. Ugh! I got terrible sleep and had a really bad cough that has just lingered on. I hope the medicine I am on will knock it on the head and I will be back to 100% ASAP. I also got tattooed on Tuesday and my ankle and leg swelled up like CRAZY! Lucky I was having a rest week cause the swelling was like nothing else! Far out! Has been a tough week that is for sure!Apart from the physical side of things, I have been able to reflect on my race and although I didn’t quite achieve my time goals I am happy with how I went. It was a fun day out and they all can’t be perfect so I have to take the good with the bad. I will live to fight another day.As a family, over the last little while we have also been making some big decisions. This week we have put in place some big life moves again so watch this space for more to come! Just to keep yall in suspense!So, yeah! Going forward, I am planning on four weeks of 100miles plus in training with a two week taper before Glasshouse 100. I have some work to do and want to focus on my mental strength before the big dance. It is gonna be super rad and a great process over the next month and a bit.I hope this blog finds yall well and loving life in your own way! Keep smiling, ripping in and Ill commence daily blogs again tomorrow so Ill write ya then!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 114/8 – 6km Ease Back. 33min 36sec. 41m gain.This morning was my first run back after last weeks saga. I wanted to take it nice and easy to make sure the body was ok getting back to things. My knee was still a little sore, I still felt the affects of my chest infection and my ankle/leg was still a little noticeable, but apart from all that rott, all good! Ha! Felt good to be back out running and in the mix. I want to get things motoring along again and smash out some good training in the next couple weeks.Work was nice and buzy today and I had some good conversations with the Clif Bar rep and also the owner of The Original Sin tattoo sunscreen about some potential sponsorship. Both of these are quality products in their own rights and I am super excited about these potentials! I am meeting with The Original Sin owner next week to talk about how we might be able to go forward. GOLD! Overall, an exciting, super cool day! Always fun when things are happening!5/8 – AM – 10.2k Easy jaunt up the hill. 56min 17sec. 162m gainPM – 7km Parklands solo. 44min 54sec. 148m gainToday was a really fun day! Everyone was a bit silly at work, which always makes for a top day. I got two runs in today which was also good. I am still feeling some tightness and soreness in the bottom of my knee though. After some research, it seems like it is the insertion point of three different muscles giving me some grief. I have been doing some self massage which is helping and need to stay on top of it as I do not want an injury to side track me at this point of my 100mile training. My eating was great today, I stayed fuelled, positive and overall had a super day! I love days like today!6/8 – AM – 15.1k Easy does it. 1hr 23min 21sec. 157m gainPM – 7.1k Beautiful arvo bush dash. 39min 59sec. 90m gain.I started out today with a run as usual and I was a little concerned as my knee was quite sore. It didn’t get any worse though so I was able to finish my run. Today at work was very similar to yesterday with lots of fun and laughs. We are a mad bunch. I then head to Ewan Maddock Dam for a short PM jaunt in the bush. It was super nice and the sun was shining so I was super happy! My knee felt a fair bit better too which was good. We had Jason, Anna and the girls over for dinner tonight which was great! So many good laughs and good times with those guys. Had a beautiful dinner and then a super desert. Blessed to have met those guys.7/8 – 5k Jacked up. 29min 4sec.Well I planned on doing 15k this morning but my leg was jacked up. This really got me down today and just made the day drag on! I just get so disappointed and upset when I have injuries. I probably could have kept running but want to make sure that I go into the miler injury free and under trained than trained and injured. Still super disappointing though. I am going to rest tomorrow and re-assess on Saturday how my leg is. I hope it comes good super quick with some self treatment and love and care. The rest of the day sort of seemed a bit non-eventful when I am injured but ok. Gotta try and stay focused and positive.8/8 – Rest day9/8 – 5km Easy. 27min 22sec. 11m gain.10/8 – 5.5k Mooloolah National Park. 28min 22sec. 21m gain.The last couple of days have been pretty testing. I didn’t run Friday as my knee/leg has been completlly jacked up. I am not 100% sure what it is but it seems to be stemming from the insertion of three muscles on the inside lower section of my knee. This is then causing problems in the back of my knee and calf. I think this could also be a hip problem. Friday I was pretty down and out because of it but I have been nailing it with the foam and hand roller. This seems to really be helping.I went out for two short runs and really concentrated on taking it easy, turning the legs over and staying off the bitumen and concrete……I think this may be another of the contributing problems! The runs went ok and I just need to manage this the best I can and I know it will go away.Saturday night Tegs went out and did Wild Horse at Night. Whilst it is always nice to see a heap of the regular crew, it is tough being at an event and not running. The girls and I hung round for a while and then took off after a couple of hours due to it sprinkling rain and the kids getting tired/rowdy. It was a nice night out though and Tegs did so well as usual! I am so proud of how her running is going and it is so special that it is something that our family is a part of. I am so blessed to have a supportive and participating family!I got Hal Koerners new book in the post late last week too. I have been having a read of it and it is super good. Due to my leg issue and wanting to keep things fresh, I am going to try something completely different for the next five weeks before Glasshouse. I am going to do the last chunk of his hundo program detailed in the book. This is a fair bit different to how I normally train, keeping runs through the week relatively short and then long hauls on the weekends. I really think this is going to be good as I need to look after my body through the week with lower k’s but still get some good distance out on the weekends. I reckon this will be fun and good!So, basically, tomorrow marks 33days until the miler. I plan on putting 100%focus and determination into the next month and making sure I get to the start line healthy mentally, physically and spiritually. Can not wait! Gotta stay positive and get my head in the game for this fun day out!Weeks Total – 61km. 5hr 42min. 666m gain.


Week 12


Week 9...