I love the Olympics. When I say I love, I mean I REALLY love the Olympics! I remember a book I had from 1992 (I was 10years old), which I guess my mum bought me, about I believe the Barcelona Olympics. I studied that book and I think even did a school project on it. I read it back to front a number of times, treasured it and just fell in love with the whole concept of what the Olympics stood for….both the modern version and the traditional. (If you still have it somewhere Mum I would love to get it….)
The thought that athletes compete for their Countries with all their souls for the glory, no money and purely for the love of what they are gifted at captures my heart. Now, as I have grown older, I am well aware of the issues with any sporting event (drugs, cheating etc) but generally, the shine has not been taken away for me. I like to believe most are competing on a level playing field.
Did I mention I love the Olympics.
I watch very little TV these days but every day I have got home till when I go to bed the TV is on the Olympics whatever sport is happening. I don't care. It doesn’t matter. It can be ANY sport and I just love it! I am captured by it! The kids don't get a say. Once every four years, I get monopoly on the telly! The Olympics is it!
I love the stories of triumph, hardship, checked pasts and conquering all to simply compete for ones country. For pride. For passion. For love. Regardless of finish position or medals received, to simply be at the Games and take part is what sport is at its roots all about. It is beautiful and at times tear jerking! Call me sentimental. Call me naïve, I don't care. The Olympics are a special time every four years where athleticism and sportsmanship is at its finest. The struggle, the glory and the pureness off it all capture me. Guilty as charged.
I hope you might be able to enjoy the occasion as I have and do. If you are jaded by any negativity that may arise as a result of a few of the athletes and what they may or may not do, please try and put that aside to enjoy the moment. Some things are just wonderful the way they are on surface level and when dug into. To hear the stories of the individuals, teams and how they have arrived where they are is awesome. Get amongst it guys.
Thanks to you all for reading, being amazing and following my adventures. I truly appreciate your time and attention when there is so many things vying for both. Until next week, much Olympic love friends.