
Something super rad happened this week, which I shared on my social media.  For those who don't follow me there, I’ll give you the run down.  

So, on Monday, I bought a friend and his family who are going through some hard times at the moment, something to make things a little easier for them.  No big deal.  It was a reasonable amount of money but all good.  It's the least I could do to help them at this time.  Put the good vibes out there and help those in need when required! 

Literally about an hour later, a mate who I haven’t seen in about a year came into the shop.  We got talking about my adventures, sponsors and all the usual going ons.  He mentioned he wanted to help out but I didn't think a lot of it.  Then, about a half an hour later he came back, said he loved what I was doing and gave me a wad of cash…nearly the EXACT same amount that I had essentially given away a few hours prior.  Incredible.

As I said in my post, we should never give with the hope of getting in return.  That's not the point.  Just put good things out into the world and receive satisfaction and happiness through the simple act of doing just that.  That's all the reward we require really.  However, the idea of karma, positive return or reward for doing something good is always waiting and omnipresent.  If we give, I believe we are rewarded in some positive way or another.

Tegan and I have tithed/given away money each week since before we were married.  Even when we were earning literally next to nothing, we have always practiced the art of giving.  For a long time in the beginning, I had a real issue of ‘where is the money going?’ ‘What are they spending it on?’ etc.  However, I distinctly remember a time in church one day where I had this epiphany….It doesn't matter!!!  It 100% does not matter and I honestly don't care.  That is not the point, nor my responsibility.  My responsibility is to be a good steward of our money, give a percentage away and what happens after the act of giving is not on my conscious.  Now, common sense must prevail as I’m sure you can imagine (think drunk on the street….maybe don't give him cash but buy him a meal?) but that was and is where my thinking remains around giving.  Complete non-attachment.

As a side.  I feel it so much more tangible, tactile and ‘real’ giving cash.  I know everything is about online/electronic now, but I believe the simple act of having some physical bank notes in our hand and giving them to another human is incredibly impactful on both the giver and receiver.  Just my experience.

So, in summery, this weeks message is simply to give.  Give your time, money, a meal, love, a hug….whatever you can to go out of the way of your normal going abouts to do something special for someone else.  I used to struggle giving but now my relationship to money is very simple.  Its earn and spent so there is very little attachment.  I encourage you to find this path, trust me, life is much richer when we develop less attachment to riches.

Much love friends.  Have a super week.


The long run...


Tour de Brisbane...